About the Political Module and about the Immigration Policy

Day 1,186, 06:30 Published in Saudi Arabia Romania by Vesszen Trianon
The Political Activity

As you know, for now the political parties are disabled. The main reason is there are no political parties in RL Saudi Arabia and the Admins need to find a satisfactory solution which would make it possible for the RL Saudis to access the eRepublik website.

This is a computer game, but it is played by human beings, who live under the constraints of the Real World. It is important to avoid transforming eSaudi Arabia into a second eNorth Korea (no RL North Korean can access eRepublik because none can access the Internet), just like it is important to avoid that eSaudi Arabia turns into another ePakistan or eAustria (= the playground of whoever feels like PTO-ing it).

Another reason why we think it's a good idea to suspend the political parties is to keep the bot-farms away. As long as there is no possibility to PTO a country and rob its treasury, there's little incentive to start bot-farming. Interestingly enough, the rate of births took a dive after the political parties were suspended. Just as interesting was the birth rate had increased in a spectacular way right before the time for Party President elections.

The Transitional Government welcomes the RL Arabs who want to play the game as eKSA citizens in spite of the current restrictions in the political module.

If you are a RL Arab (and can prove it via a voice interview in Arabic language over Skype), please contact us. You will be interviewed by one of the RL Arabs with whom we coordinate the "Arabian countries for Arabs" policy in eEgypt, eUnited Arab Emirates and eSaudi Arabia. If they confirm you as RL Arab, you'll be granted citizenship.

The role-players who dislike this immigration policy are free to shout "racism" or "discrimination" or whatever else. We do have a free press in eSaudi Arabia therefore use it, by all means.

What you role-players need to understand is nationalism is the most powerful driving force in eRepublik (but of course, you being role-players, can't understand that, can you?).

Nationalism was the one and only ingredient which fueled the Hungarian, Serbian, Polish, Macedonian, Turkish and Bulgarian baby-booms. And the only way to have a strong country is to trigger a baby-boom. We, the members of the Transitional Government, view as our main duty to make sure such a baby-boom happens. And part of the process is to guarantee the "newborns" don't end up in a toy-country like ePakistan or eAustria. We will not go home and we will not abandon the strict immigration policy because that would jeopardize the future of the RL Arabs in this game.

When the RL Arabs will be filling in all the places in the Congress (provided the Admins will activate the political module), it will be up to them to grant citizenships to whomever they would like to.

Therefore feel free to use the freedom of the press to your heart's desire and rest assured our inflexibility in the immigration policy is here to stay.


Prime Minister of eSaudi Arabia