About SLPhurt

Day 929, 15:40 Published in Switzerland Russia by eShaolin Information Ministry

Trade Embargo - No
Impeachment - No


Evil russians eat babies again

JNA, you have done everything to destroy my plans and then you have something more to say about the evil Russian who did not want to live in Switzerland? You are not even able to TW. I proposed in April to extend the MPP with Hungary and we would have had an active war 24 / 7. But that said, your puppet Congress? I campaigned to develop industry and promised to ensure the supply of resources. LOL. You yourself can see how our former president-traitor cares about the market and companies.

And now you're reaping the fruits of your labor. The fruits are bitter, but nothing better you do not deserve.

But now it's a new time. Time to recover lost, the time for work and active games. Glory to the real president Clifford.

No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!

//Evil russian - Arschmann