About our Croatian brothers

Day 818, 01:56 Published in Serbia Hungary by montaigne

Dear Serbian readers,

Croatians are doing strange things in these days.

- At first they have devastated some Austrian regions.
- Soon after I wrote my article and kindly asked them not to do that, surprisingly things started to change.

-They have unvoted the war declaration against Italy.
-They are about to return all Slovenian territorries, plus few Austrian ones.
-Some RW-s have been started at the cost of the Croatian State.

Since I have no knowledge about a TO in Croatia (on the last one I was pretty much involved, if you remember), I have the feeling that something is radically changing in Zagreb. Maybe Croatia wants to join Phoenix and now they show how good intentioned they are. Since this is a serious issue, I wish to make a short survey in Serbia.

What would You vote if Croatia would apply for Phoenix membership?

Make your voice heard and VOTE HERE!


Few minutes after this survey has been published, that Croatian President gave another proof of their good intentions by sending large Croat and EDEN forces in the completely unsignificative battle of Upper Austria, instead of sieging London. Your gesture will be highly appreciated during to talks about adhering to Phoenix. Mr President, thank you once again.

PS. I forgot to say: please smile, it is a hidden camera in front of you! It is just for the lulz 🙂