AAP News: General Thoughts

Day 334, 17:19 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

Hey everyone, Today I want to issue some plans and goals I have for my term. I want to make sure the world realizes, that despite how disappointing V1 is for us all, that the AAP still has a leader that sees hope for this new world.
I hope that those reading don't mind me using the old world as an example. Occasionly, things happen that we do not like. Changes happen that we do not approve of, occurances happen that we may not condone. However, we still tolerate our old world, because it is the only one we have.
Now, perhaps I am taking this article a bit seriously. But now is not that time to abandon this game, or the ideals that the AAP and I beleive in. This is the time that the admins and this game needs us the very most. Now, I will be the first to say I am enraged how the admins handled this transition, and would love to go back to the Beta. But that isn't happening, so I am ready to buckle down and wait to see what the future brings.
Now, in regards to AAP business. Many people, in party and out have seen that our membership has taken a downward spiral. This is partly due to the antics of a once, Evan Bayh, However it is also due to my lack of time this week. And for that I apologize.
I also want to make an annoucement that I have already informed the party over. I have decided to not run for President of these United States. I feel I am not yet ready for the task, and with so many talented individuals making a run in these unique times, I feel that it would be best to stand aside for one of them to do it. Who the AAP will endorse will be up to the membership at a future date.
In the next few days I will annouce the AAP's Congressional agenda as elections for Congress move into high gear.
Also, I will be holding another full AAP meeting at our forum's chatroom at 8:00 PM EST - 10:00 PM EST next Friday. I hope all AAP members join the forum and join us there!
Thanks all for your time, and good night!