A Year of Games

Day 832, 21:45 Published in USA USA by Necros Xiaoban

Week Four:
They transferred Keltonion out just before the Games. Crap. I mean, YAY KELTONIAN \o/
If I can just figure out how to get the LT promoted to Captain, the SGM promoted to LT, and myself promoted to SGM, I can continue on my path to General, and gettin' mah women.

Dear Lord, Bia has declared an entire year of Games. Ninjas just gonna have to be solid on this.

Week Six:

Games off to a great start, Ninjas on top where we belong. Poor wolves, they can't even touch us. LT says I need to hurry up and get promoted so I can start spying on Colonel Bia. I say he needs to get promoted so there's a vacancy 😛

Week Nine:

Crap. Crap, crap, crap, crap crap. They promoted SGM Alex Berkman to LT. I mean, YAY ALEX BERKMAN \o/
This is gonna set the Ninjas back in the Olympics.
On the bright side, there's now a vacancy for Ninja XO. 😃

Week Ten:

Games still going well. War in Britain is so-so. We've taken most of it, but the resistance is everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
LT says I've got the XO spot. I just can't tell anyone. And I can't actually do anything yet. But I've got it. YAY NECROS \o/

Week Eleven:

I'm definitely XO now. Or at least, I'm doing my duties as an XO. I just can't tell anyone. LT says to wait until an official announcement is made by headquarters. So, I'm a Ninja XO. Literally and figuratively. But hey, now I'm only ... 1,2,3,4,5... Five steps away from LTG, and starting my harem. \o/ Also, have been issued orders to remain in Colonel Bia's office whenever my duties permit.
Also, Angelini hangs there whenever she's not doing her Marine stuff.

Week Twelve:

After going through the run around, I finally got officially instated as XO of the 312th Ninjas. And we are hard as nails. I'm considering accepting a letter of resignation from all the other platoons in the Olympics, in the interest of their troop's morale.
Bia probably wouldn't like it though. Ah well, we'll just beat 'em old school.
A shout out to Mike Sanders, dude might not wanna be an officer, but he is one hell of a Ninja.

Week Twenty Seven:

Dear Lord, I need a break. I've stopped sleeping. Haven't slept in weeks. You never know when the Colonel is gonna show up and spot check the platoon. Can't let the platoon down. Can't lose. Can't let the wolves win. We've got to win. Honor and Glory. Holy crap, we're not even half way through this. I love Bia from the bottom of my stone cold heart, but LAWD!

Week Thirty Four:

Our communications systems were compromised, unidentified individual seized control of the LT's mobile. LT later recovered it, but I was unsure how to ascertain if it was REALLY the LT. It could've been an imposter. In my infinite wisdom, I asked him a question only he'd know the answer to. "If I had to choose between Bia and Angelini, who would I choose?", to which he gave the only correct response of "Both." Glad to know the LT and I have developed a solid working relationship.

Week Forty Seven:

Dear Sweet Mother of Jesus, the Olympics are coming down to the wire. And we're losing. I can't believe we're losing. Just barely. It was bad enough when we were -winning- but now we're losing. We can't lose. If we lose, I don't get my shiny ribbon. If I don't get my shiny ribbon, I can't put a star on it after the next Olympics. If I don't get my shiny star on my shiny ribbon how will I ever become General and start my harem? Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. I mean, YAY WOLVES \o/ Way to keep the Games close.

Week Fifty Six:

Great God Almighty, we have won! I GET THE SHINY RIBBON! \o/ Heellllll YEAH!
In other news, our President called off the war in England. Apparently we shouldn't have done it to begin with. CRAP. Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. I mean, YAY FROST!! \O/

Now I've got time to kick back, relax, and spend time with Bia and Angelini. I'm also looking to recruit a third member to the harem. Probably Colonel Nuri or Lieutenant RoughObsidian. Decisions, decisions.