A word of thanks - and updates!

Day 1,559, 14:19 Published in Canada Canada by ReonenMiruel

Hello again!

Now, to those who watch Canada's political scene closely, then you would know that the Congressional Elections were held yesterday. I am pleased to say that I have been elected into Congress!

I would like to say my thanks to all those who voted for me [you know who you are, since I sure don't 😃... at least, for the most part], and I pledge to always be available for the citizens of Scotland, the region I represent.

This means I'll be running next time, too - I sincerely hope my run in Congress will be a good one, so that I can prove my worthiness to you all!

Now then, for an update on my actions in Congress so far [lol I've only been in one day I know <.>
The current proposals on the table are:

1)Declare Ireland as a Natural Enemy

2)Transfer 99 999 CAD to the Canadian Ministry of Finance

1) I voted 'no' for this proposal, as I am sure that the current war with Ireland is no more than a strategic move that our Ministry of Defense is taking in order to further secure the dominant position that Canada is currently enjoying in the international e-scene. As well, Ireland is [and, at least, for the foreseeable future] and will be a reliable ally, and to declare them a natural enemy simply to give a temporary boost would be a waste of time and resources - along with Congress proposals.

2) I voted 'yes' for this proposal, as it does not mean much apart from the natural act of government to decide on a budget. A family can not function well without a budget, let alone a country. Hence, transferring the stated amount of cash to the aforementioned Ministry will ensure that the CAD tax dollars will be put to good use and distributed to key bureaus to ensure the efficient administration of Canada.

I hope to continue working with all of you, and if anyone has any concerns, please do not hesitate to PM me!

I'll be waiting!

My sincerest regards,



I'm trying to catch up to TemujinBC to kick his ass [yes, impossible dream, I know].

Anyone willing to help 8D?