A Word from the Party Headquarters

Day 514, 10:12 Published in Canada Canada by Tom Hagen

Hello CPP Members and my fellow eCanadians,
I wish to thank the 19 Party Members who voted for me. This vote of confidence in my leadership will allow me to push forward in reorganising the CPP. However this is easier with the constant use of our forums: http://canadianparadoxparty.forumotion.net/forum.htm

These forums allow your voice to be heard and in doing so it will be your ideas that will make up our platform.

It has been brought to my attention that some of the younger eCanadians may not know alot about me and I hope to rectify this. I am Tom Hagen, formerly Prussian King, and I have been in eCanada since December 2007. I have founded numerous companies and I am also the founder of the Canadian Paradox Party. The highlight of my time in erepublik would have to be upon my election to the Presidency as it was the achievement of a long held ambition of mine. The low point would have to be my subsequent impeachment after the first French War.

Although this is short I am willing to answer any and all questions you may have and I am willing to participate in ANY interviews that any budding journalists may request.

Thank you for your time
Tom Hagen

Party President and Founder of the Canadian Paradox Party