A Word About the Economic Changes

Day 1,107, 09:33 Published in India India by Indian Government Bank

Hi, I'll make this quick.

One unannounced change that came with the resource changes yesterday is the fact that it now takes 2 units of productivity to make 1 raw material unit. Until yesterday, it only took 1 unit. This means essentially that raw material production is just about halved. This will translate into higher food prices. There's simply no way to help it, because grain prices are going to increase significantly.

What this means to you, is that you should perhaps stock up on food now. The government will continue to adjust its prices to conform with international prices, and that means that in the very near future, your food is going to cost more. Private companies will increase prices as well, as they must to cope with the increased cost of grain.

On the plus side, we can now produce grain domestically, despite lack of a high grain region. Our production will be at 80% of the rate of countries with a high region, but given our low wages, it may indeed be viable in the short term.

TLDR: Admin just made stuff cost more.