A Windy Road

Day 837, 08:32 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Thedark ace


I've been in Singapore for exactly 3 weeeks now, and I'm already involved, and I've seen a bunch of things I thought actually never happened, like a presidential election with no competition, A congress PTO and noobs getting in so many ministries already. This article is just how amazing singapore is, about what's happened and what I intend to do over the next few days/weeks and how much I less than 3 everyone here.

Well, first things first, gongratz Boe! He beat out Machoboy, for the title president. I'm in a few ministries, so I now have a major part in Singapore, which is always good. For me. XD jk jk, I will do everything I can to try and help Singapore's economy, finances and to keep your RL happiness bar up. On the topic of presidency, next term NGP have deceided they will put forward, Relorian. Go Relorian, and I wish him the best of luck there.

Moving down to a political level, there is expected to be a big showdown for SRP political presidency, between myself and the UK supported Mahlak Dependus, he's done alot for Singapore, yeah, or he has plans to. Right now he's a bit inactive, but he will undoubtedly pop back up again. If either me or he wins, I will be happy with both results. I'll release a 2 part manifesto for A party president election, first on the 11th or 12th, second on the 14th. I look forward to the 15th.

This bit is sort of a thanks, firstly for -Relorian like real surprisingly, he made me step up my game, so everything I go for in erep, I'll give 100%. -Bruce Winch, for letting me join Singapore, and for the first few days, actually talking to me when everyone else thought I was a noob. -Boethiath, for making me Minister+Twinister, and generally being a really cool guy. -The guys that voted for me in congress, coz I'm YOUR candidate, still waiting for guys to tell me what to do. -Kryteshyft for being an awesome prez and taking me under his wing for the next month and letting me help around in Sing. -Machoboy, really strangely, but he made me SRP's main candidate, and I know I really should of supported him for his presidential run. That's the people I have got to know best, and who I wanted to say a particular thanks to.

There's a few things I'd love to do in Sing in the future, and I wanna see Singapore evolve. Post, comment and troll.

Thedark ace.
A happy Singaporian.