A Wasted Vote is a Useless Vote

Day 886, 20:32 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Ministry of Awesomeness

Ah, it is that time of the month again. No, not that.
The Congressional Elections!

If you are reading this, you might not know exactly how to make sure your vote isn't wasted.

Wasted? A vote can be wasted?

The sad truth is, YES.
If you're not careful, your single vote may become meaningless.

So how can you avoid this?
Just read the following simple steps!

1) Don't vote for someone who's already won.
Every month, a few candidates get swarmed by votes. Once, a candidate named Lynari won 25 votes, and a result few other candidates from Lynari's party got in.

Before you vote, go to this site: http://www.erep.cc/elections/congress?d=201004&country=30&parties=on

As a general rule, don't vote for someone who's already about 3 votes ahead of the nearest contender. If you do, you are probably wasting your vote! That vote could tip the balance for a member of your party who is on the borderline of getting in. Only nine candidates from each region can get in, so be careful!

2) Vote as late as possible.
By voting as late as possible, you make sure that your vote will not be wasted. If you vote early, you may be voting for a candidate who two-clickers will vote for anyway.

By holding your vote until the last possible minute, you can see what candidates are on the borderline, and make sure that your vote makes a difference!

3) Don't just vote for yourself!
This is a message to all new people running for Congress. Please, please, do not blindly vote for yourself. Chances are, if you are a new player, or this is your first time running, you will not win. What can you do instead?

Vote for another member of your party. Then, tell everyone that you chose to sacrifice your own personal ambition for the good of the party. You'll gain respect and acknowledgement. And who knows? You might just win next month!

4) Move regions to vote for people you like.
In this game, you can only vote for people running in the same region as you. Normally that isn't a problem.

However, in Switzerland, we have a "ghost" region, Svizzera italiana. Nobody lives in this region. And since you can only vote for people in the region where you live, this means that all votes must come from voters who move to that region, vote, and then move back.

Parties such as the Swiss Brainslug Party and the Swiss Neutrality Party are very proficient at the respective technique. As a result, they usually dominate the elections in that region.

Want to make sure your Party does well?

Contact either this organization, or your Party President and ask for moving tickets. Then move to the region of choice, and then vote for your selected candidate (for example, Penguin4512). Then just move back to your wonderful home.

And that's all!

If you follow these four simple rules, your vote will be heard loud and clear. Remember, A Wasted Vote is a Useless Vote!

Good luck to everyone in the Congressional Elections.

~ Penguin