A Vice Presidential View 4 NoneSuch/Littleton 4 May

Day 531, 11:41 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton
Letter as NoneSuch's VP Hopeful


1. Introduction
2. My Goals: Transparency
3. NoneSuch/Littleton on Political Talks, Atlantis and Peace

Hello, this is my official "Day-Before-Election" VP Candidate article. I want it to be rather informal and concise so I will start off with a little about myself.

I am a 2 term Congresswoman (LI😎. First from Montana and currently from New Jersey. I am known for taking a stand and sticking to it until I accomplish my goals. Some have called me a bitch because of this, but honestly, if thats part of the overall goal of stating my case and sticking to my beliefs, then so be it! This last Congressional Election I waged a war on the USWP and their tactics of replacing good members of Congress simply to get their party a majority in the House. I have taken a beating for standing up against the USWP and have accepted that fate. The day after elections, I vowed to end the feud with the USWP and try to find a middle ground with them as long as they rethink their priorities. I have managed to become closer with the party and work in a non-party politics manner to strengthen Congress as I was appointed, for a 2nd term, Deputy Speaker of the House. Lastly, I feel that I have managed to further close the USWP feud by staying on (even through this Presidential Election) as Scrabman's White House Press Secretary. I feel that keeping American's in the know is more important than my own personal political gain, so I decided to stay on with Scrabman and continue to write the releases even though I'm on an opposing ticket.

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My Goals Transparency

My main goal in Congress and in this Presidential run is to open up the doors of Government to the people. In the short week that Cromstar, Speaker of House, was elected and appointed me as DSoH, we have already made some groundbreaking accomplishments in converting Congress to being more transparent. With HeadmistressTalia, New Mexico, the Government Oversight Committee is working on a weekly article to the people to explain what Congress is doing to keep you in the know. We have reformed the Vote Records for Publishing every 2 weeks so you can see how your Congressman is voting on the official bills as well. I am proud of the work that Congress has done thus far in the new term and there are more changes to come. I can't say the same for the Executive Branch.

If elected, NoneSuch and I will reform the transparency of the Executive Branch as well. In the past week, Scrabman has successfully left America, and the world, in the dark regarding what is going on. As the White House Press Secretary, I am sure you have seen the #1 articles the past few days telling you to stay alert, but nothing has happened. As a part of Scrab's Administration, I can't talk on point about that, but I can say that I have fought to give you guys as much information as I have in those articles. If it wasn't for my compromising with Scrabman, you would have even less information than you current do regarding our situations at hand. Imagine that, less information that what I barely am able to give you as is.

I understand that there is a fine line between keeping the public informed about our affairs during wartime and keeping our public safe. However, I do believe in accountability. I have been working with Tyler Jenkins, Montana, in the Government Oversight Committee in finding a way to ensure that the President discloses all official documents within a certain time-frame by which decisions are made. Be it 24,48 or 72 hours after an event, the public has a right to know why the President does what he does. In times of war, that becomes a little more difficult, but thus is why we are ironing out the details.

Don't get me wrong, I like President Scrabman. If I didn't, I wouldn't be working for him. However, I feel that his communication with the people is lackluster and I have tried to quell this with the Press Paper, but not even I feel that is good enough. Recently, someone said that Scrab informs Congress of all decisions being made in this current war crisis. This is not entirely true. For the most part, the transparency of the Executive Branch isn't even apparent to Congress. That is something else that needs to change and NoneSuch and myself agree that we need to reform that.

The doors of government have been locked for far too long! Congress is changing and it is time for the White House to reform and take down the fence and let the people in!!!

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NoneSuch/Littleton Political Talks, Atlantis and Peace

NoneSuch has been getting some flak as people are claiming that he doesn't want to partake in wars or that, if elected, he isn't going to stimulate the US power in the world. He has been in contact with nations on our borders regarding new War Games. Mexico isn't an option anymore after their latest betrayal with Baja. There are a few options, but after Scrabman's latest attack on Portugal during Peace Talks, our neighbors are a little hesitant with dealing with us. Here comes my next point:

NoneSuch will use the Presidency to stimulate our power in the world, but not completely with war. Political talks with other nations are crucial. Recently, Australia has been given back their Independence from Peace. How? They threatened to become part of Atlantis. NoneSuch and I would work closely with other nations who have been taken over by Peace and help them, in a political manner, regain their Independence as well, thus strengthening our ties with foreign countries and helping rebuild the trust in the US that has been lost in Scrabman and Uncle Sam's presidencies. Atlantis was based on peaceful missions to deter PEACE, but certain countries have become very strong within Atlantis and lots of Americans feel that as an internal threat in the long run. NoneSuch and I want to limit dominance within Atlantis as well as Peace.

How do we bring Peace countries over to our side? Perhaps war games. EXAMPLE: Japan could be a strong ally of the US and the looming presence of Peace is alarming. Japan sits in an area where we could possibly build relations by using War Games through Hawaii. What about the PTO of Japan by Peace? There comes in another topic: Stopping PTOs! The US has been pretty good in aiding countries to stop PTO's, however, NoneSuch and I feel that not enough is being done. We want to set up an inter-governmental organization with funding that would help stop PTOs from happening. If we could do this, we could slowly begin to bring Peace dominated countries back to Independence by using their own PTO tactics against them. PTO's used for good is the plan. We wouldn't take over their governments, we would simply help them get their governments back!

As for War, well, this game loves War, so there will be war! The difference is, we will have war within the confines of our treaties and not simply just attack without thinking about the repercussions (Portugal). NoneSuch and I feel we ruined relations and the image of the US by attacking Portugal without Portugal knowing or being warned. We are in Peace Talks with them and we feel that if Scrabman would have talked to the president of Portugal before attacking, we could have worked out a deal to do it peacefully (to obtain the Open War status with Russia) as opposed to violating the Peace Talks and ruining our countries credibility. War is a priority for NoneSuch and I, make no mistake about that, but we want to make them Smart Wars and we would act quickly and with strength. We wouldn't sit on the idea of war for a week (like the current plan is) allowing our enemies to build up a defense.

All in all, the main points of our campaign are Transparency, Political Diplomacy, War Games for Alliances and well thought out Real Wars. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote NoneSuch/Littleton for Pres tomorrow!

---A Reminder for LIBS: POLL ON WHO LIBS SHOULD BACK! If you are a LIB and support us, vote for us!!! Reminder: Only LIBS can vote in that article. Talia will check!---

~Claire Littleton
-Congresswoman (LI😎, New Jersey (2nd Mandate)
-Deputy Speaker of the House
-White House Press Secretary