A Tutorial on V2 careers

Day 897, 12:49 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

Sorry for the lame title I put all my energy into writing the actually article. It’s a long one so stay with me.

Introduction : It appears that we are now very close to the release date of the V2 version of the game. Estimates have V2 being released within the next month or so. While many are very excited to see what the new version will bring there is also a great deal of nervousness. A lot will be happening on the day V2 is released. One of the major changes is the choosing of new careers. Once V2 is released you will transfer your existing skill set into one of the new 11 professions. Instead of the current system of manufacturing skill, land skill, or constructions skill the new jobs will be much more specific. Personally I find this to be an excellent change but you must be careful in the career that you choose . Many have played for a while building up their profile and it would be a shame to take a step backward because you chose the wrong career. This article will first look at the new professions and then I will give you some things to think about when choosing a career. Please feel free to comment and leave your own ideas as it is vital that we build a strong economy heading into V2 and the more good ideas the better.

Careers : I have decided to group the careers based on the current industries that we have to make it easier to comprehend so here we go:

Food Industry

Producer - If a producer works in the food industry they will be responsible for creating the ingredients to the food that we must consume

Marketing Manager – If a marketing manger works in the food industry they will be responsible for packaging the food created by the Producer

Travel Ticket Industry

Producer - If a producer works in the travel ticket industry they will be responsible for creating the paper for travel tickets

Marketing Manager - If a marketing manger works in the travel ticket industry they will be responsible for packaging the moving tickets made by the producer.

Project Manager – If a project manager works in the travel ticket industry they will provide the itineraries for travel tickets. As you can see it appears moving will be much more complicated once V2 arrives.

Gift Industry

The gift industry will cease to exist as diamonds that were used to make gifts are now titanium once V2 arrives.

Weapon Industry

Fitters - Fitters can only work in the weapon industry and they will provide the rifle butt for rifles and the body for tanks, air units, and artillery

Mechanics - Mechanics can only work in the weapon industry and they will provide the frame for rifles and the engines for tanks, air units, and artillery.

Engineers - Engineers can only work in the weapon industry and they will provide the barrels for rifles, tanks, and artillery. They will also provide the missiles for air units

Technicians – Technicians can only work in the weapon industry and they will provide the ammunition for rifles, tanks, artillery, and air units.

Construction Industry (Houses, Hospitals, and Defense Systems)

Buliders - They can only work in the construction industry and they will build the walls for houses, hospitals, and defense systems.

Carpenters - They can only work in the construction industry and they will build the roofs for houses and hospitals.

Architects - They can only work in the construction industry and they will provide the layouts for houses and defense systems

Project Manager - If a project manager chooses to work in the construction industry they will provide the logistical requirements for hospitals and the project plans for defense systems.

Land Industry

The land industry will remain normal as we have raw material workers that will be responsible for extracting resources. If you are totally confused and perplexed by the new careers this will probably be a safe bet to go with

Tips and thoughts :

Avoid Real Life bias when choosing a career – A perfect example of this can be seen in the weapons industry between engineers and mechanics. Our real life bias would tell us to pick engineer because they traditionally make more money than mechanics in real life. Let’s look at this from a logical perspective though. Both engineers and mechanics are limited in the industry that they can work in. Both mechanics and Engineers also contribute equally to the weapon industry. It appears that mechanics and engineers are on equal footing even though our real life bias would tell us otherwise. Many will probably want the fancy job title of engineer though causing that career to be top heavy leading to high unemployment. Even though it does not sound as fancy the mechanic might be the better choice

When V2 is released get on the forums and IRC before logging in – Unless the admins tell us otherwise we can only assume that we will be forced to choose a career upon logging in. Before logging in check the off-site resources such as IRC and the forums to see what people are saying.

Career to avoid - Engineer. I got a real bad feeling about this one. Engineers, Mechanics, and Fitters all seem to contribute equally to the weapon building process. However, the fancy title of Engineer will probably lead people to think otherwise. Unless you are at a high skill (7+) I would recommend avoiding Engineer

Safest bet - Probably is going to be the raw material worker. Yes I know it sounds boring and dull but there are several different resources to extract and if something grows wrong in one industry you can always move to another.

If you need the fancy title - I would go with project manager. They can work in a variety of areas in the economy and it seems like a fun job.

Can’t go wrong with War - Judging from the insiders it appears that the admins have made a great effort to emphasize the war aspect of the game. Therefore fitter, mechanic, and technician are probably pretty sound bets.

Want to take a risk - I would go with the marketing manager. The admins really did not provide a lot of info on this one. All they say is you cannot sell products without cool packaging that is the law! Whatever the hell that means. If you are feeling extra ballsy on V2 day go with this one who knows it might be a great choice.

Working Construction To me it appears that builders have the upper hand here as they can work in all three construction fields. Next is the carpenters followed by the architects as they both can work in two out of the three fields. Be careful with choosing architect though as many might chose that career based on the title.

That is all for now. Sorry it was so long but I really feel that this issue is important. Vote and sub. Until next time…….

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak