A tribute to blackpanther76

Day 1,070, 17:36 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan_L

I know the song "admin, mastercard, visa", but after all this is a game about communities. Chatting, joking, making friends, having fun, involving on what matters. Being part of it, helping and being helped.

Everybody that I know wants to help the community in his way. Some are making big impact by giving the others a reason to get together and bringing the best of it.

Some will say that it isn't about money, but some will realize that the effort is worth paying. Because when you see something like this, even if you don't have any RON/GOLD/HUF in your account you feel like you have to do something, maybe just distributing food from the state or just being there and taking part.

The money isn't a purpose, but sometimes it is a way that could bring something else into the picture. Something priceless!

It is said that the old alchemists were transforming the common metals into the gold. Gold is Gold. But what are the people that are transforming GOLD into the joy, involvement, maybe friendships but most likely memories?

Can you buy memories?