A Timeline of Takeover in Singapore

Day 976, 08:11 Published in Singapore Singapore by Tommy Aquinas
A timeline history of TO in Singapore

I can't claim to have been in Singapore very long, but there has been a PTO threat growing consistently for some time now. There has been a build up of citizenships using the system of 'elect one or two and grant citizenships each month', as well as being helped by the creation of multiple accounts groups. It is not certain that each and every individual below is linked to the one group, but we must assume that it is probable.

The Beginning - 17th January

The first confirmed known member known as Wondering_Wilson is approved, presumably without knowledge of his origins.

The major multie attempt - 8th March - Brother John II

A blatant multiple account effort at the previous congressional elections led by the above character secured 6 seats with an unprecented 12 votes each for Level 14 candidates 😛 They managed to steal money from the treasury before they were banned. More significantly, several more citizenships were granted to foreigners including ...

Not so beachy - 26th March - Dubrovnik 1919

Having won citizenship from a banned multiple account, Dubrovnik proceeded to win a congressional seat, which provided three more foreign citizenships. As soon as his job was done, he vamoosed off abroad, but retained his citizenship.

That man again - 26th April - Wondering Wilson and Bluebond

Amazingly, Wondering_Wilson and Bluebond has managed to sneak into the last two congressional positions in that election in the final hours. In what was a contentious election, it was debated whether or not Bluebond was a PTOer. He has taken over a party legitmately after all. Under this cloud, Wondering Wilson crept in and granted 2 more citizenships. All about Bluebond became clear when he approved 4 members of a Hungarian PTO group (perhaps known as VVV), before disappearing. And so the era of the Young Tigers finished, with the amazing coincidence that all of its young members also stopped playing the game.

The Hungarian push - 28th May - Viktor and Bence

The leader of the PTO group, Viktor16 was elected in the following election, along with the unknown type-x. Between them they approved 5 more citizenships, before heading off into the sunset of Serbia or whatever nation they went to.

A bunch of cool PTO'ers - 2nd July - Bence again

I got on with Bence. He was a cool pto'er. At least he had a sense of humour and spoke English. Pity about the 4 more Hungarians he approved. He told me afterwards that they were not going to focus on Singapore any further. Time will tell.

Our friends in TBBT - 26th June - Sheldon and that man big ogre

The most obvious fail of a PTO. New party, member increased by 300% in a few days, 4 candidates elected, and then promptly banned. Admins unbanned them in the Great Admin Crisis. Still waiting on the admins to do their job. Lately they have taken to calling eSingaporeans EDEN ptoers in some bizarre hope of winning over the population. Big ogre was elected under another party and wasnt picked up by the admins. He proceeded to grant 3 citizenships, before heading off today with Sheldon to Florida.

The PP attempt - 15th July - Every party

In the space of the few hours before server reset, a low level candidate was placed in each of the parties (except SRP), including an alleged Ajay Bruno multiple account. Due to some excellent co-ordination, only 2 of these attempts were successful, in the two smallest parties. Their names have since been changed to the "catchy" Anarchist Party and the Anti-EDEN party. This morning Sheldon resigned as PP of one of them, ceding control back to a trusted eSingaporean.

So you see how the cycle of PTO works. Each congress election you have the 1+1 method - one known ptoer and the one unknown/multiple account, while every so often you have some fully fledged multie farm in an attempt to wrest control in one swoop. Until such time as the admins attempt to re-gain control of the game they have lost, people who have no qualms about cheating will ruin the game for the people who actually want to play it and respect the laws of the game.

Here's hoping for another month of survival.

Tommy Aquinas