A thank you to the Bowen Administation

Day 1,118, 02:05 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

This article is in counter to the ANP troll gang doing there whining about not winning the elections.

As a nation we must accept we will never be a top priority of Eden, why would we? What exactly have we done for them? we always expect Eden to arrive and save us, but why? We pay one of the lowest memberships in Eden, we offer little to none military assistance to Eden and we always complain about how they never help. Instead of releasing articles abusing and whining about Eden, why not try and help? Just for this article only i will lower myself to levels of theses 3 indviudals and name and shame them like they have done to our administration this month.

DocterDry ask Discrate1: The most useless eAustralian there ever has been, even Jaybay123 and Rowan Quigley serve a greater purpose in our community than him. All he does is complain and does nothing to help.

infin: I have lost a lot of respect for this man. I really admire him and i see him as one of the most influential figures in our nation, someone i and new players look up to. Lower himself to Discrate1s standard and just spam our media with pointless crap which just demoralizes the people further.

Savonrepus: Someone else i looked up to and is another influential member of our community, naming and shaming like i am now. The differences is, is that i am a nobody but people listen to you Savonrepus and when you try to turn people against people working harder than you, trying to help make life easier for us and our allies you are the real traitor here.

I am not edens biggest fan, in fact i was against them a few months ago and are still not a big supporter of Eden. But i will not take the idiotic spam articles coming from the ANPers.
When people do this, this is not patriotic. All it is, is turning other eAustralians against each other.

Keep fighting eAustralia, never give up!