A Take-Over of Bolivia - Is it a good idea? (Russia)

Day 734, 22:15 Published in Russia Bolivia by Clairobscur

This article is addressed to the numerous people, in particular from Russia, Romania and Serbia (yes, you aren't the only ones thinking about it) who think that it would be a bright idea to Take-Over Bolivia (yes, I'm speaking to you, who clicked on this article when you read "Bolivia&quot😉

For this Russian edition, here's an instructive link : http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/belarussian-daily-208051/1

Isn't a TO a fun thing to do?

Let's see. You're bored. Life in your too populated country isn't very interesting. Since you're probably not that bright, or not that able, or just lazy, you can't manage to become someone important in your own country.

So, an idea crosses your mind (or someone comes up with this idea and try to enlist you). There are all these little countries that should be easy to take over, no? Bolivia, for instance? And then, instead of being a complete nobody in your country, you would be *LIKE A KING*. You would *RULE* over a country. And that without making any efforts 🙂 (because you don't like efforts). Isn't this *GREAT*?

Hmmm...No not really.

Why organizing a TO isn't a right thing to do?

People have put a lot of efforts, over months, to build up a small country. They invested their money to build hospitals or public companies. They worked hard to guarantee the safety of their country, they were pillaged at the creation of their country, and kept going. Attacked by greedy neighbors, resisted and kept going. For many of them, it's their real-life country, and as a result the e-country where they want to live.

And now, in your greediness and lazyness, you want to destroy those efforts, you want to steal their country from them. Because it's easy, and you only go for easy wins. You're not the kind of people who can achieve things by themselves, you're just a lazy thief.

Remember also that not too long ago, Russia was a barely populated nation (and I fought to free Russia) that had to face the same trials. Remember the way your neighbour Ukraine (and I sent funds to Ukraine when I was barely two weeks old) was used as a pawn between Hungary and Romania. Remember that Belarus isn't yet created and will have someday to deal with the same kind of people you are now, people bent on destroying the efforts you will put in your country.

Think also of the reputation of your country. After their actions in south-America, Poles and ePoland are universally despised there. Do you want eRussia to have the same reputation?

Hahaha...I don't care about morals, my reputation or the reputation of my country

Then, think about something else. We're are putting our efforts (and also the efforts of friendly countries) into having cheaters tracked and banned, multi-accounts eliminated. This might very well happen to you. We hope you will enjoy starting the game from again.

I won't get caught/ Actually, I didn't cheat

Even if it's the case, we still don't want you to rule our country. Bolivia has accepted many people from many nations willing to work with us to build the country. If you had come normally, as I did myself, to live in a smaller, less anonymous country, to help us build it up and be proud of our common achievements, you would have been welcomed. But if you want to come as overlords, and rule over real life Bolivians, rule over other people who really came to help them, we'll never accept you.

Ahahah! There's nothing you can do about it

Of course, we can, contrarily to what other people might have told you. Look here : [url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/Argentina/law/18996 [/url] . Do you know why Argentina has declared war on Peru? Because the Poles had taken over the country. Peruvians have preferred to be conquered by their friends, to have their hospitals razed, to have to rebuild their country rather than being ruled by Poles. We will do the same.

Do you think we won't want to? You're wrong. Very wrong. We already have begun to plan the invasion and occupation of our own country. Think about it. If it was you own country, would you rather be conquered by friends and allies, by people you interact with and know and who will free your country when asked to do so, or by a band of hostile and despising people coming from who knows where? If you're from Belarus and playing in Russia, when your country will be created, will you prefer to be helped by the old friends you made in Russia, or ruled over by a bunch of young bored Indonesians? Will you hesitate for one minute?

Do you think you have a counter-plan? Again, it won't work. We're not going to wait until it's too late. We're going to fight the TOers in the elections, but if it fails, if we think that our country is going to be ruled by arrogant hooligans, it will be plainly and immediately removed from the map. We will wait, play with our Latin American friends, rebuild our country. It will costs us, but you will never get anything from your attempts. And we will remember the names of "eRussia" and "eBelarus". I might like Russia in real life, but I'll remember what eRussians are worth.

So, think again before you listen to the advices of recruiters and embark on this adventure. Wonder if it's really the kind of player you want to be, if it's really the reputation you want, if it's really worth the risk.....knowing that you will *never* rule eBolivia.

Bolivia : la union es la fuerza