A Summary and a Call to Reason

Day 1,407, 06:41 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros

The WHPR recently published an article about...the order of things. Jon Malcom issued a response that was, honestly, a good read. He even revived a really good article worth reading.

Episode # 5,006,756 of the anti-JCS drama/saga/hate/idiocy started because the JCS prioritized a mini battle in Australia. I imagine there was some sort of argument between Alexander Auctoritas an CyberWitch at some point regarding that issue. Following that, junior members of TC were asked why they hated America, told they sucked, this and that and all around harassed for belonging to the eUS Military. A Senior Member of the TC was banned from a channel (whilst he was AFK) simply for belonging to the eUS Military. And then #tc saw some more drama which resulted in my article.

The eUS Military normally keeps their trolling at a minimum. We do not foster this hate, we do not lie awake at night thinking of ways to troll. Yet, the JCS is attacked on the media all the time. This is a group I care a lot about. I have been a proud member for a long long time now. So, irks me to no end when members of the eUS Military are attacked simply for being part of a group that they care about.

I remember a time when people claim, “it’s not the troops I have a problem with, it’s the JCS. We love the troops!” I guess that either was not true, or was forgotten. Have we forgotten that the eUS is nothing without its citizens. Stop alienating them.

But, let’s get find a solution. Out of all this, I think the best article to come thus far is Mr. Peanut’s article. I like this article because it expresses my thoughts on the matter so well.

I have largely and by far taken then ‘I shall ignore this and just let things go’ approach. Why don’t we all do the same? Can we please just start another issue? It is getting boring people. The same thing over and over and over and over again.

Just let it go. You will all be much happier for it.

This is a call to reason, so think for a change and stop the drama.

General Morrigan Alexandros
Co of the Training Corps
eUS Military