A story about Sweden and Germany

Day 456, 12:58 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Good evening. The Swedish diplomats are here again, this time to tell a little story about Sweden and Germany.

The relationsship between Sweden and Germany goes back a long time, to a time when Erepublik was still in the Beta, and Ziggyzag was the Swedish president. At least that was when interesting things started to happen.

In the end of April, 2008, Sweden had just conquered Denmark. The reason for that war is somewhat unclear, but rumor has it was some imperialistic thing. Other says that Grev Per had made fun of Sweden in the media. But that is not the point. Sweden was at the time satisfied with her conquests; there was no reason to keep going further south, into the land of bratwurst. But something changed the situation; Sulla, the german president, proposed an alliance with Sweden’s sworn enemies Indonesia and Pakistan. Ziggyzag could not accept that Sweden would be locked behind the evil warmongers of Dio Brando, and decided it was best for Sweden to conquer Germany before it was too late.

The war went well, the germans were simply too few to resist. Then, Sweden graciously proposed a deal to the germans. Their nation would live on, under a few terms. Germany could keep three of their regions, provided that they did not ally with any other nation. Exact terms can be found on the Wiki.

Germany accepted, and that was the end of the first war.

But, in late may 2008, Germany decided to invade Poland. The Poles were even fewer than the germans, and Germany conquered Poland entirely. Poland had always been one of Swedens most trustful allies, and one month later President Flammbar made a deal with the polish president. Sweden would conquer both Germany and Poland, and free Poland whenever possible. This was done, not all problemless, but still smooth. Since no nations could be freed until the RW-modul was released, Swedes, Danes, Poles and Germans lived under the same flag until V1 was released.
Sweden stuck to their part of the deal, freeing Poland as soon as possible. Sweden had no such deal with Germany, so they had to wait a little longer for freedom. However, in Novermber, Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt was freed with the help of Swedish military forces.

Now, we move to January, 2009. DKN was German president. Since the first independence wars, which were in fact not wars, Sweden and Germany had been talking about when to free the last regions. A major war in France got in the way, though. At this point, the deal was that Sweden was to keep Schleswig Holstein, a region with high grain. But Germany went behind Swedens back, conspiring with PEACE, Sweden’s long time adversary. On January 10, soldiers from all PEACE countries flew to Sweden, eager to fight for the German side. RW was started in the remaining German regions, all of which were successful.

After a while, the two sides once again established diplomatic contacts. Betamjau was in charge of the Swedish side, I was a mere participant. Germany tried to convince us that they in fact were neutral, and not involved in PEACE in any way. We found that hard to believe, considering their history, their demands and their MPP😒. We was firm on one point, if Sweden and Germany were to be friends, Germany would in some way have to return Schleswig Holstein, as we said before the war. Germany refused, offered petty things like government controlled export of grain, and instead issued a trading embargo on Sweden. They also tried to shutdown our DS-Company, which by mistake was placed in Bavaria.This was done by raising the taxes to insane levels. We do not consider those acts of friends.

A few days ago, the Germans also threatened to attack Sweden. Or at least Syddanmark, which is Swedish at the moment. Of course it was an empty threat, since they are weaker than us. But still, we do not threaten to attack our allies.

I’ve tried to make this as brief as possible, to help the people of UK to understand why we and German are not to be considered as allies, or even neutral to each other. If it was possible, a large part of Sweden would want to make a coal mine of Germany. For these reasons, we do not want UK to get closer to them. Their loyalty lies closer to PEACE than to Atlantis, that should be reason enough.

Do not waste your time on distrustful allies; focus on the ones you’ve got, which will follow you to the grave.

Marten1000, Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs.