A story about eRepublik countries

Day 1,791, 15:00 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

It is said the current times bring many perilous and before unfaced challenges. Most often are we able to see foolish attitude from pretty much everyone involved in diplomacy, those who make the key decisions, even if for one they do not deserve so. And as such, why not treat these things as a complete folly, and laugh at it head on. In order to depict the nonsense of eRepublik countries, I will present you with a short story showing you the nations as individuals, all with their own weaknesses and strong points of view. May you not be the best one!

Poland: "I am sick of these Balkan conflicts, I have decided to stray away from these pointless conflicts. I will form a new alliance!" Looks around, and gazes her eye at confused USA, having absolutely no friends beside her.

"Ah, USA, the one I have always been keen on joining, I admire your courage and how you betray your allies, I believe with time our personalities will match."

USA: "AYE! I never betrayed anyone, though, I only... ummm... what was I talking about? Hurr."

Spain: "Poland, do not forget us! Spaniards are there for you, forever and ever. As your pupp-, well, friends! We have done everything so far in eRepublik as a single entity. We have always felt like we are strongly connected, even if you have by force bonded us to you with chains. We enjoy every second of it."

Serbia: "Pa gde sam ja? Previše pijem ovih dana, svašta. Ma koga boli, idem ja nazad spavat!"

Notification: Serbia doesn't know English.

Slovenia: "Look at Serbia, such a pointless country lead by complete nincompoops. Where are the golden days of you, Serbia, where have your capable people gone to!? May we for one last time behold the sight of your legends."

Serbia: "Šta ova Slovenija priča? Alo, translation anywon? Nema više ljudi koji pričajo engleski ovdje, šteta, svi otišli. Možda smo i sve pobili koji su pametni!"

Slovenia: "Let's hope for the change soon, let's get the Serbian opposition at the helm of Serbian politics. They know some English, I heard!"

Serbian opposition: "Yes, Serbia is in ruins, time for the opposition to come at the helm, the wise people to take command! Enough with "the šalabajzarji"!"

Meanwhile in Poland...

Polan😛 "Spain, look, look at what we have done so far. We destroyed half of the world, the other half will be under our command. Not like anyone remembers the leaked logs!" What follows is the joint laugh from both Spain and Poland, realizing how they have fooled every eRepublik country.

USA: "Poland! You still have those Slavs under your MPP list. I thought we agreed on the fact how worthless South Slavs are. The Balkans, only good at making kebab and burek, you nodded to that."

Polan😛 "But, look USA, we... The plan was to ally with everyone, as long as we preserve our resources. We didn't fool you intentionally, it comes with loads of experience."

USA: "Are you saying you are even worse than I am? An ultimatum I suppose, get rid of those MPPs with Slavs, and we may be friends! Or else! Or else we do nothing. 😁"

"You go, Poland. One, two, three, HIP HIP POLAND WOO! Boooo USA, boooo!"

Macedonia decides to raise her voice, after sitting in Italy for some time.

Macedonia: "I will finally get rubber, Macedonia shall once again be as glorious as Alexander the Great!."

With a strong and straightforward voice Poland breaks the silence.
Polan😛 "FYROM!"

Macedonia: "How can admins allow something like this, we are an independent and a sovereign nations, we are the descendants of God himself! Silence, Poland! As for you shall pay!"

Polan😛 "FYROM!"
Spain: "What Poland says."

Macedonia rages out...

Meanwhile in Asia...

Serbia: "Svašta, koji papaki smo mi, gubimo protiv Kinezima. Bruka, bre!"

Slovenia: "Again it seems Serbian diplomacy has failed, no responsibility is being taken by the #1 superpower in eRepublik, as they should almost be forced into taking the stance of the one who should dictate things and not the one who follows."

Few days later. After a complete fiasco, Serbia is finally kicked out of Iran.

Back in Europe Slovenia again criticizes Poland...

Slovenia: "For one, you should be aware that what you did, Poland, is an act of treachery. You wanted to get rid of all your Balkan allies and join USA and other western hemisphere powers, now that Americans gave you an ultimatum you side with us again? What does that make you?"


Polan😛 "Ha ha, who are you, undermensch Slovenia to tell me anything? I do what I want."

Spain: "Slovenia bad, POLAND STRONG! Booo USA! Yay, Serbia, friend!"

Serbia: "Koji genijalci smo mi, svaka mi čast. Dobili smo nazad najbolje prijatelje Poljace, koji sada opet mrzijo Amerikance kao i mi! Ma da, diplomacija je uradila svoje."

USA: "Poland listens only to Poland! I am the most honorable nation there is! Hear that Loland?"

Polan😛 "Whatever, USA, we are done with you. No one is to set us ultimatums, as we are the strongest nation in eRepublik, no one! Goodbye, USA!"

A short while later USA proposes an MPP with Croatia and other EDEN countries.

Back in the Balkans Serbia is looking at Croatia, and is getting tempted to take her territories.

Serbia: "Velika Srbija!"
Croatia: "Come and get it!" Croats unpack their weapons, shockingly they are bank cards!

In short, how things that have happened in the past days and weeks could be described.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly