A state of confusion

Day 1,137, 05:07 Published in South Africa South Africa by Krimpiekat

Since I started playing this game, there were two constants for me.

Being a member of the eUS armed forces, first with Airborne (82nd FTW) and later as a Marine.

The other was fighting Brazil.

I joined the eUS because Brazil invaded eSouth Africa.
I stayed with the eUS because of a rotten deal the eSA resistance made with Brazil.
I kept fighting

Several invasions later, I'm still fighting them. They've proven over and over that you cannot trust them as a country. Certain individuals I've learned to respect and might even go so far as calling them friends, but trust their country? Not this century.

For almost 2 years I have been fighting them, distrusting them and sometimes even hating them.
This new PANAM alliance expects me to just stop doing all that overnight. I'm not sure I can.

It really has me confused. Do I stop fighting Brazil, which I just cant trust, or do I quit being a Marine? It's confusing.

Being a Marine is like being a member of one big happy dysfunctional family.

It's the classic catch-22. I don't want to be in an alliance with the Brazilians, but I also do not want to quit being a member of the best unit in the eUS Military.

Serious thinking time for me...

For those of you who think you're good enough to join Airborne or Marines:

Marine Corps Requirements:
Age: N/A
Strength: 2000
Minimum Rank: Colonel**
Minimum Influence Per Fight with No Weapon: 490
Marine Application Form

Airborne Requirements:
Age: N/A
Strength: 1500
Minimum Rank: Lt Colonel**
Minimum Influence Per Fight with No Weapon: 350
Airborne Application Form