A Special Message [d. 852]

Day 852, 11:12 Published in USA USA by Federalist Party

Hello Feds!!!

A lot has happened in this last week, so I wanted to drop a quick message and let you know some of what is going on. There is a party meeting tonight at 19:00eRep time on the IRC. Please check the forum for more details, or just ask one of your Fed buddies. We'll go over some of this in there, but there are also a few additional topics that need to be discussed.

Alrighty, so there are a few of the major changes to the Feds this month-

1. Our staff has been broken into teams, each with a leader

Political Team
Media Team
R+R Team
FOP Team
Business/Econ Team

Pretty much everything we do is a team effort anyway, so I wanted to make that official by removing the whole 'assistant director' niz noz. Everyone has a title of some sort (even asst dir! lol), but it is important to me that we think of ourselves as teams. That's true for my position as well. Kara Beth isn't just my VP, she's my teammate... and together we're gonna get this party moving again. In my opinion, this is the best way to get things done and will result in the smoothest transitions from term to term. I also think we're going to come up with some innovative ideas to move this party forward if we put our heads together.

2. Party service is now a requirement to run for Congress as a Fed

Not everyone likes this new rule, but every month we run into the issue of turning down applicants because we have no idea who they are. If you're going to run as a Fed, we have to be able to vouch for you. If we're going to support you, we need to know that you're on our team. The best and easiest way to do that is to require party service. If you have held a position in the party, then someone knows you. They know how hard you work and how much time you spend on projects. They have a sense of your personality and the other factors that come into play when trying to figure out who would be good for Congress.

That being said, there are lots of opportunities to work for the party. Please check the forum or the IRC to get involved. I'm not trying to make things harder for you, I am trying to make things better for the party. And let's be honest, if you don't have time to shoot around messages with the FOP or mentor new party members, you don't have time to be a Congressman.

3. We have a budget

I pledged that we would start advertising again and I mean it. I have budgeted out a fair amount of money so we can run a few ads every week. There is money separated out to promote Easy Company, our party militia, as well as our candidates for Congress. Is this some kind of indicator that we are made of money? Not at all. We're sitting on a bunch of inactive companies and have pretty much zero cash coming in. It needs to be a priority this month to make ourselves financially stable. We can't keep scrambling at election time to scrape together enough tickets. That's ridiculous.

We need more people involved in the business/econ team. Dr Tango leaving us for SEES really hurt. We relied on him for a lot of things and were content to just let him do whatever to keep us afloat. His hard work is greatly appreciated and he has agreed to give us advice when we need it, but there is officially a void in the Feds. We need a smart, reliable Fed to fill it.

In the meantime... donations plz?
