A Special Day for a Special Event

Day 1,652, 11:28 Published in Belgium Belgium by BrunoCND

Dear eBelgians,

Me and Elynea are very happy to announce our eWedding on Saturday 2nd June at 7.00pm (Belgian Hour).

We invite you to don’t be overdressed because our eWedding will be on a eCaribbean Beach 😉.

Yes sand, sun, water for our eWedding . Please come with your FUN!!! That’s all we need.

There’ll be surprises…

But you’ll say me : What are you saying? You and Elynea? Is it a joke?

No it isn’t!

See by yourself:

That happened on this sunny long week-end.

20:04 BrunoCND asks the silence
20:04 Kim_Jof_Un dunno
20:04 Kim_Jof_Un so
20:04 MaryamQ ahem
20:04 Kim_Jof_Un doesn't give it
20:04 MissPiggy I say.
20:04 tecuvo is silent and listening
20:04 *** jean1 quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20:04 MaryamQ is listening
20:04 SanictheHedgehog slaps BrunoCND with anti-slap foam
20:04 Kim_Jof_Un is thinking that technically thinking is not speaking
20:04 SanictheHedgehog is performing actions
20:05 MaryamQ hehe
20:05 Elynea :d spammers

20:05 Kim_Jof_Un is performing auctions
20:05 BrunoCND Dear eFriends,
20:05 SanictheHedgehog is performing actors
20:05 BrunoCND Today we are here together for a single reason:
20:05 tecuvo to party???
20:05 SanictheHedgehog autojoin on mibbit
20:05 Kim_Jof_Un leave
20:05 +++ Pieter has given op to BrunoCND
20:05 +++ Pieter has given op to Elynea
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from Critic|BBQ
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from Timmooo
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from MissPiggy
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from tecuvo
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from director9
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from prophexy[afk]
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from Elynea
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from SanictheHedgehog
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from TurboPunk
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from Viridi
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from Trical
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from Kim_Jof_Un
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from BrunoCND
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from fhaemita[afk]
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from needle
20:05 +++ Pieter has taken voice from ArteIa
20:05 +++ Pieter set the channel to mode +m
20:05 Pieter there
20:05 Pieter quiet
20:06 BrunoCND Dear Elynea,
20:06 +++ Hug has given voice to Kim_Jof_Un
20:06 BrunoCND It's been some time now we walk together,
20:06 *** SanictheHedgehog left #eBrussels
20:06 BrunoCND The same paths we travel.
20:06 BrunoCND So many things we share,
20:06 *** Marriage joined #eBrussels
20:06 BrunoCND These private discussions,
20:06 BrunoCND We were close.
20:06 BrunoCND (Even the Sun God is with us)
20:06 BrunoCND On this solemn day,
20:06 *** Marriage left #eBrussels
20:07 *** Backwards joined #eBrussels
20:07 +++ Hug has given voice to Backwards
20:07 BrunoCND In knee, I will ask once.
20:07 *** Trollface joined #eBrussels
20:07 BrunoCND Will you become my ewife? Will you stay with me until the end of our days in the eWorld?

20:07 Elynea BrunoCN😨 yes i want

20:07 *** ApronChef joined #eBrussels
20:07 BrunoCND 🙂

20:07 Elynea applause

20:08 Kim_Jof_Un applause
20:08 +++ Pieter set the channel to mode -m
20:08 Pieter applauses
20:08 MaryamQ applauds
20:08 ApronChef Pieter:
20:08 BrunoCND So you make me as the happiest man in the eWorld
20:08 Pieter everyone else can applause too

20:08 ApronChef MaryamQ:
20:08 Trollface applause

So that’s it, even the silence was no easy, i did my declaration to Elynea. Because I love her. Because she is my sun.

Elynea, I would like to say you something:

Toi mon Soleil,
Depuis ce fameux soir,
Le soir où tu m’as dit « Yes i want »,
Je ne puis rester en place.

Oui, ce jour-là tu as fait de moi l’homme le plus heureux.

Depuis mon arrivée sur eRep,
Nous sommes toujours sur la même longueur d’onde
Des liens se sont tissés entre nous.
La complicité est apparue.

Pas une seule fois nous n’avons eut de désaccord.
Pas une seule fois le ton n’est monté.

Depuis ce jour où nos regards se sont croisés,
Depuis ce jour où nos chemins se sont croisés,
Depuis ce jour,
Ce fameux jour,
Tu m’éblouis,
Tu me redonne le sourire quand j’en ai besoin,
Tu me réchauffe quand j’ai froid.

Merci toi d’être toi et là.

Sorry for these borring words, but i felt the need to tell them.

Today I received a nice message. A message that touched my heart. Let me share it with you:

Chers amis vous êtes donc cordialement invités à prendre l’avion rizon à destination de #WeddinginTheParadise avec arrivée le 2 juin 2012 à 10.00am eRep Time. Vous serez chaleureusement accueillis.

Le maître de cérémonie sera : Pieter

Bien sûr Dj Cooke4444 sera dans la place et animera la soirée.

Repas belgo-exotique et boisson à volonté pour tout le monde.

Des fontaines de bière et de chocolat seront à disposition de tous.

Venez et apportez votre bonne humeur et faire de ce jour le plus heureux et le plus mémorable d’eRepublik.

BrunoCND and Elynea forever