A sit down with the Teacher.-The Pary Interview

Day 369, 19:26 Published in USA USA by Joeph Cole

So I was wondering what "The Party" Is truly about.

Then I thought, that most of the US would like to know too.

Here's a transcript of an interview that I had with citizen "Teacher"


Joeph: So... For the Record, you are ThisGenMedia, Former acting president, Former Vice President of the USA.

Teacher: ThisGenMedia was a brave and valiant man, a man who will live in infamy as a great eAmerican and ePatriot. His untimely death shocked us all and that's all I can say on the subject.

Joeph: So, you have Completely Disowned that moniker for the new role as "Teacher" Then?

Teacher: I have no comment. That brave man was not a "moniker", he was a patriot.

Joeph:Fair enough. Tell me more about Teacher then.

Teacher: I am a member of The Party, which is a multinational society aimed at the betterment of eRepublik as a whole by bringing the game to a new level of competitiveness and enjoyment. I am a member of The Triumvirate, the group that runs The Party. I enjoy long walks on the beach.

Joeph: Haha.
What is the history of The Party? As most of the citizens in the US have noticed, it is rather recent.

Teacher: The Party was formed by three men; Teacher, Father, and Watcher. They were directed by Big Brother (not to be confused with the character ingame named Big Brother) to start The Party, specifically in South Africa.
At Big Brother's directive, the three started on an odyssey and have been working to promote and spread the parties influence ever since.

Joeph: It seems that each man has his own purpose, judging from their names, What role does each have?

Teacher: I can direct you to our wiki page for that, but in a nutshell we each have our areas of expertise. Myself, nearing in on General rank, I focus on Minipax, which is our private military forces. Watcher and Father focus a lot on Miniluv and Minitrue, which are our informational services. I also work on Miniplenty, which is designed at producing quality jobs for anyone needing them. I also direct, along with the other triumvirs, miniwalks, the Ministry of Silly Walks. It's self explanatory.

Joeph: Now I remembered you saying something to the effect of The Party is the new /v/. Can you explain that to our newer citizens?

Teacher: Well, basically, we aren't going to take this game uber-seriously. It is, before anything else, a GAME. Surely, we won't haphazardly risk nations liveliness, but at the same time we will have fun and do whatever we please.

Joeph: So, should the citizens of the US worry about The Party then?

Teacher: No. We are not imperialistic, we are not trying to "take over the world". In fact, mark my words, we will never declare a war on anyone. We will, however, enter in every war. This is for two reasons: To train our soldiers and to have fun

Joeph:Yes, Lack of war In the US is annoying some.

Teacher: We've had many soldiers come to us saying the very same.

Joeph: Why South Africa out of all places?

Teacher: It seemed pretty tranquil and a place where we could organize uninterrupted.

Joeph: So other than having fun there's no overarching goal for the party?

Teacher: Relaxing. Politics are far too hectic in eRep.

Joeph: I'm sure both of us know that.

Joeph: So, the newspeak and 1984 motifs are a just a face then?

Teacher: No comment. Our beliefs are clearly noted on our wiki page

Joeph: Alright.

Joeph: I think I'm running out of questions, is there anything you want to say in closing?

Teacher: Just if you want to have fun, come join us. We accept anyone and everyone. If you have any questions, contact me in game or at our website, ingsocsa.com

Joeph: Thank you very much for this interview.

Teacher: You're very welcome.


While quick to advertise for his own sites, Teacher Did manage to answer some of my questions.

Hey, at least the don't plan on taking over the world.