A Sad Story.

Day 541, 16:52 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

Despite the best efforts of the eU.S.A milltary the forces of good have lost to the forces of evil.
As the old saying goes "We may have lost the battle but the war has just begun'.
I am still in awe as to how this happned when the eU.S held the FER for a long time.
But do not be worried by freinds this is but a minor setback. We must mantain faith that good will crush evil, because it always dose.

Be Ready, my fellow eAmericans large scale PEACE counter attacks will be shure to come soon.
I your humble editor urge you to buy a wepon and stock up on food because the biggest battles are still on the way. If one of our allies gets attacked then we must fight for there freedom!

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