A Ruddy Good Read, Trust me. [Defend LK!]

Day 1,038, 13:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

ATTENTIONS ~ Defend Lioaning!


This article covers a little about me, but also includes a few updates and interviews which are worth reading.

Regular Readers in the eUK, and French people who are probably somewhat confused. Every month on the 25th the eWorld hit's the polling stations to decide who they want representing then in Congress.

Or as we say in the eUK, The House of Commons. (le Hoose of Commones)

This month, those nice guys in TUP HQ have directed me here, to sunny France to run in Midi-Pyrenees!

It isn't a holiday, honest.

Some of you may be wondering why we even have this region. A few weeks ago, the eUK was presented with the opportunity to attack Spain, which we took. This required ius to swap through France in order to get a Spanish border. A few weeks later, and we still have a few French regions that are waiting to be returned.

If you are one of the original residents of Midi-Pyrenees, it is only a matter of time until your region is returned to it's original owners and you don't have to read the UK's media.

Si vous êtes un des habitants originels de Midi-Pyrennées, ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant que votre région ne soit rendue à son propriétaire d'origine, et vous n'avez pas à lire les journaux Britanniques.

I've picked up some of the lingo.

Like this one.

But less about how we got the region, and more about me. You may be reading this and wondering, "Why should I vote for this guy?"/"Sacre Bleu, j'adore Monsieur Wolde!". Well, I've been around for a fairly long time now, and during that time I've gained a fountain of experience and a plethora of titles.

I don't usually like to flaunt my career in articles, but in order to pad out this article I'll mention a few; I've been the Prime Minister of the eUK 4 times, a Minister countless times, in Foreign Affairs, Home Affairs, and Work. An interesting "Did you know" fact is that I've been in every Cabinet since Kumnaa. Which is a fair few.

More recently I've been the Secretary General of Phoenix, a job which not many people can claim doing. It involves managing all countries in the alliance and dealing with the daily ins and outs of international politics and warfare. It has it's perks, such as free coffee and ops in #Phoenix.Public.

Hopefully my experience and knowledge of our legislative system will give the house a real edge, and it is up to you to give me a real voice with which to deliver that edge. So, come the 25th, consider voting Woldy. Even if you aren't in Midi-Pyrenees, I am only a 1 zone ticket away.

French Church to break up text.

Now for the part you have all been waiting for, Interview with a Frenchmen (and Woman).

Being a roaming reporter, currently Roaming France I thought it would be apt if I tracked down a number of French people and interviewed them about France, the Midi-Pyrenees and Mr Woldy. Here are a few select opinions from their great nation.

Naischa - Ex-President of eFrance

Firstly, what is your name? 😁
Naischa 🙂
What is your current job, in eFrance?
Working in a stone company and relaxing far away from politics
Do you prefer French Cheese, or English Cheese?
All cheese 😛
Good answer.
On a scale of 1-10
How awesome is Woldy?
(10 being very)
20 of course
If you were in the eUK, would you pay 3.30 GBP for a 1 zone ticket to move to Midi-Pyrenees in order to vote for Woldy?
I will 🙂

(Disclaimer: 20 is French for 10).

Ernesto-Ce-Guevara, Supreme Commander of Phoenix

What is your name?
Ernesto-Che-Guevara 😃
(Or my real life name ? 😛)
That one is OK 😁
Escargot, or Frogs legs?
Well. I'm member of The Furious French Froggies so i will answer Frogs legs 😛
What's nicer, the Eiffel Tower or the Blackpool Tower?
Blackpool Tower ? What is this ? 😃
It's this tower they have in Blackpool
It's my answer 😛
i'm kidding your tower XD
Ok then.
Who would you sooner take to dinner, Napoleon, or Wellington?
I would like Jessica Alba but i know it's not possible so Wellington cauz i don't like Napoleon 😃
Good answer 😉
Finally, if you were an eUK citizen on the 25th, would you move to Midi-Pyrenees to vote for Woldy?
Yeah ofc Cauz Woldy iz Awesome \o/


Thanks for reading.
Mr Woldy.

Chipping in where I can. Asking for Votes.
Add Macedonia!

Vote Smart, Vote [TUP]