A review

Day 1,283, 15:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irasian

Hello Readers,

As you may or may not know I have been running a survey gathering data about certain citizens of Ireland.

Using a scale of Excellent, Good, Bad and Really Bad I sought peoples opinions on the following people

Marcus Suridius:
Results: On average he was seen to be an excellent Irish citizen.

Comments that stood out:
"Very dedicated to the defense of Ireland, only been here for 3 months, 2/3 he was CP, haven't seen any others.
Bit of an ego...."

"I believe Marcus is probably one of the best Irish players. He works very hard for the country regardless of our squabbles. Even though we're a small nation he's seen to it we stay on the map and progress. I have a lot of respect for him. o7"

"Perfect MoD/Commander terrible CP"

Results: Luminara got a range of votes from excellent to really bad but seemed to average on good.

Comments that stood out:
"The best irish has to offer and in rl he isn't even irish..."

"Luminara is a great addition to the eIrish community. She has great ideas and thoughts and is always respectful in sharing her views. She's a wonderful voice of reason to have amongst us hotheads."

"Who? No... seriously? I have no idea who this is. The name is familiar. That's it."

Chance Harrison:
Results: Chance on average is an excellent citizen and didn't score anything below a good.

Comments that stood out:
"Very dedicated to Ireland, very active, In my personal opinion he's a great person, proud to call him in efriend. (How lame is that, having eFriends)"

"He's cool. Very easy to talk to. He has taken a lot of responsibility in Ireland and I respect him for it"

"He's a good guy, but he's a butt."

Irish_Rebel_Reborn a.k.a. Padriag_Pearce :
Results: On average score😛 really bad but he did score a good and I doubt it was from himself.

Comments that stood out:
"This man... I love him and I hate him. He's very loyal to Ireland and I can tell that he wants to see the nation progress but his methods are crude, vulgar and extreme. He makes enemies fast and he's always around when you need a troll. But, like I mentioned, I don't hate the lad. Crazy as he is he loves our blessed isle and I look forward to seeing him graffiti the throne when one day we take London. "

"He's annoying and a troll sometimes."

"Certified troll"

That is all for this article.
If you would like to see the general publics opinion about yourself or someone you know just drop me a pm or say that you would like to be mentioned below.

Yours sincerely,


😁Gathering Data for next week 🙂
50IEP to the best comment in each. Make sure to leave your name if you want to be in the chance to win