A response to "Actual Coordination"

Day 1,307, 12:49 Published in USA USA by King Harambe X
Dedicated to our favorite boy scout.

In response to this article.

Been a while since I've written anything of real use. Been a little busy with the Marines and the eUS Military kicking ass and taking names all over this e-globe for the US and her allies. So I guess now is as good a time as ever to put my two cents in on this.

By now, it is no secret that 2 out of the 3 current Natural Enemies we have are former stalwart allies. Spain and Poland. Remember the good old days, when Spain didn't hate us and we fought alongside them, crushing PEACE? Remember when Poland fought for us as hard as we for them?

If you long for those days as I do, and are looking for someone to blame...my first instinct would be to say look in the mirror. The populace as a whole fell for this operation hook line and sinker. Pfeiffer wanted things this way, and this is what he got. We let him have it. But...there is more.

It isn't entirely the fault of the populace. Mr. Arundel has seen this come back on him in recent times, and I must say seeing him lose three CP elections in a row brought a little warmth to this cold e-heart. You see, it showed me that the US can still stand up and say NO when it is absolutely necessary. We stood up and said NO to the inept leadership Mr. Arundel was offering.

It made me think.

Fast forward to today. I sat back and I read Mr. Arundel's article, hoping that I could find one iota of proof that he is the leader he says he is. Yet again, I was disappoint.

Instead of rallying the troops of this country with maybe an inspiring word or two, he chose to come out and attack the eUS Military and blame us for EVERYTHING that we have lost. And going a step further, basically calls us zombies for being the soldiers we are and following orders.

Henry. Newsflash. We stopped giving a crap what you thought a while ago. You're the only one that seems to be trying to continue this rather boring beef you have with us. We are no longer your problem. They make institutions for people as obsessed as you are.

The eUS Military has been continually coordinating with our present government, past governments (Emerick) as well as EDEN and Terra. Just because damage doesn't go where you want it Mr. Arundel, does not mean it is not 'good damage'. We know how you like to ditch long standing allies, but we do not.

The entire article sounds like butthurt, top to bottom. I along with others think Mr. Arundel should find a new game. Maybe he could dominate Farmville? One can never tell where his unique form of being a piece of [expletive deleted] will work out for him.

To all others reading this article: I trust we all will fight with as much zeal as we have been. This is a ominous time for the eUS. We need to ditch the extra baggage (Mr. Arundel and friends) and truly make a difference for this country. I implore all who see this to join the US Military. EZCompany. Bad Company. There are a lot of militias out there. Pick one, grab some guns, and follow DoD or standing militia orders. It is imperative that you do.

No need to steal someone else's signoff...

John Jay