A Really, Really Cunning Plan

Day 775, 16:35 Published in United Kingdom Austria by Jeff Hamilton

EDEN made a large blunder today when it fought at Hellokitty, plain and simple. It wasn't any sort of stellar Phoenix defense of the region that saved the day, it was an old-fashioned cockup on EDEN's part.

How, one may ask? If you noticed the conflict, you would have seen there were TWO battles going on at the same time. One was between the USA and Hungary; a normal choice. The other was between China and Hungary.

Guess which one was the decoy battle? I bet you guessed wrong. No, defying all conventional wisdom, the USA-HUNGARY battle was the decoy! The China-Hungary battle was the real thing! Last time I checked, the USA had a much larger population than China, as well as many more tanks. Hmm.

But wait, the failiure does not stop there. Guess what EDEN did in their wisdom? They neglected to tell their tanks which battle was the decoy! I personally saw Woxan fighting in the USA-Hungary battle. Why would someone as strong as Woxan and as well-known be fighting in the dummy battle? Hmm.

Do you know how much damage was wasted on that fake battle? 3 Million damage points. That's a lot of waste. I wonder if the USA has a special, really, really cunning plan for victory?