A quick outline of my goals as Lib Pres

Day 324, 17:34 Published in USA USA by kingnikolas

I know that no one likes long articles about a world that has no true significance in life but at the same time as a candidate of this eWorld I think me intentions should be know.

So, with that said, I would like to have everyone knowing which goals we can strive toward together, in a cooperative effort, to make our party the best there has ever been.

1. Increase Activity Within Party - as we all know, the main problem we have here in eRep is keeping member around after they have signed up. I feel that a lot of this can be eliminated with the new feature of the message the president automatically sends to all new members, but we as a party, must also show that this is a good place to socialize and enjoy our fake world to the fullest. The Press Corps have been doing a fine job keeping the member informed and the forums have been a tremendous success. As president I hope to keep these programs running and try some new things to spice up the forums like competitions and games.

2. Establishment of An Official Libertarian Party Company I know that it sounds like a far fetched idea but if we could make it work it could be a tremendous asset to the party. Not only would it provide a small source of income for the party but it would create jobs for members who would not otherwise be able to find a job. I would personally help to finance the project but I would love for it to be a cooperative effort amongst everyone in the party. It would be a fantastic thing to rally around in an otherwise relatively unexciting party.

3. Weekly Meetings on Forums or IRC - Our party's global communication is basically limited to press releases which they are doing away with in V1. This is why I feel that everyone in the party who can make it should show up to a party chat at least once a week so that we can stay on the same page when it comes to party initiatives and national news.

4. Executive Board of Members - At the moment, I believe that our party may have a loose association of members with titles but I want to make them more known. I will establish a few positions, Vice President, Employment Manager, and Director of Interparty Relations. Vice President would basically be the main adviser and run weekly meetings when Pres cannot attend, Employment Manager is the go between for employment of citizens and companies and is in charge of the employment section of the forums, and Director of Interparty Relations will manage my new team of ambassadors that will be assigned to hang around the other parties' forums to keep us informed.

Well kids that is all for now. I probably should have posted a couple days ago but I was a little busy. I hope that you are liking what you hear. If you question my leadership experience it is well documented in previous articles and on my page in the forums - http://z10.invisionfree.com/Libertarian_Party/index.php?showtopic=134&st=0last (the link tool is not working 🙁 )

Please comment/critisize/compliment and vote so everyone can see my goals. Thanks so much for the support everyone and good luck to Time and whoever else is running tomorrow. 🙂