A Quick Letter from the eAustralian Embassy

Day 693, 14:05 Published in Israel Philippines by Keegan Knoll

Hello Israel,

This will only be a very short message, just thought I'd let you know. As of yesterday, I am the new eAustralian ambassador to eIsrael. In general, my job seems as though it will consist of arrogantly bearing a title, and lazing around in your beautiful IRC room, as the talks of Israel joining Sol have been quieted after the application to be an observer, and the fact that you will not be taking part in Sol wargames. This gives eAustralia slightly less to involve themselves in in Israel, not that there was much before.

HOWEVER, you never know, and therefore, I am here, if anyone is interested in talking to me further, or has any questions, please, feel free to message me.

I'll be joining your forums in order to keep in better contact as well, so soon you will be able to contact me through the eAustralian Embassy.