A Question..

Day 1,311, 10:19 Published in USA USA by Juan Ladino

How many of my fellow eAmeicans (who live in the US IRL) fight overnight and stay up clicking til 3 or 4am?

Okay, now consider the timezone Poland, Hungary, and Spain are in..

My thoughts are that while the majority of us sleep, ONE rips through the US homeland like a hot knife through butter. Therefore, would it be wise to organize a military unit specifically for the nightwatch? A good load of eAmericans, are Americans IRL living in foreign countries such as the UK and France. Therefore couldn't we organize these players into a special unit for the nightwatch.

Just a thought, although I'm sure most of you have already thought about it. I saw some Brits on the UK forums debating whether to send troops to the US to keep the nightwatch. A Night-time military unit along with the UK's forces could do some good. Obviously this isn't enough firepower to liberate regions but it could at least keep the battles in or favor while the rest of us wake up and take over.

Just a thought..