A Presidential Announcement: Merry Christmas!!!!

Day 1,130, 19:52 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

Today's Theme Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0ljkkvxGsU

Merry Christmas

My first order of business is to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I certainly hope that the past 3 weeks have been entertaining and that I have made the game enjoyable to an extent for you. The most important thing to remember though is that this is a game and I certainly hope that all of you and your families are well in real life. I wish the best for you and hope you have a blessed 2011.


In a few short hours Mexico will fall. We have secured the resources we have wanted and have proven that Hover Cats are perhaps the greatest weapon ever unleashed upon eRepublik. The Mexican Campaign was a testament to the hard work of the American military and the diligence of the American citizenry. The outcome of this excursion is a credit to them and them alone. We will now reap the benefits of having 3 additional resources and tequila whenever we want.

Welcome Back Australia

Welcome back Australia!!! The combined forces of EDEN and the eUSA fought 7 Resistance Wars and won them all against Indonesia to bring Australia back on to the map. I look forward to working with Australia in the future and certainly hope those crazy Indonesians have learned their lesson. On the bright side, importation of Crocodile Dundee DVD’s has skyrocketed since the liberation of Australia. Let’s hear it for freedom!!!

Japan, Ireland, and Pan-Am

To be brief and to the point…We have deer from Japan and iron from Ireland now at fair and reasonable rental costs. Enjoy them and prosper. PanAm is progressing and by the end of this term, things should be completed. Prepare for something epic.

Also, fight for the Japanese Resistance in this region: http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/3000