A possibly sane idea

Day 1,688, 01:51 Published in United Kingdom Pakistan by Dio Hostilian

Hello Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, ... and hello everybody else,

I have a simple, yet effective idea. It is well known and documented that this game does show a headless chicken for a while from time to time. The message beside the chicken usually says "we are doing doing doing something, and are very very very sorry for you having to go and check on failbook or twitter what that is". Most of the time I'm pretty sure I didn't cause the chickenout of the eRepublik. If I have, then I'm sorry, but I doubt that is the case, and I doubt any of you caused it (other than Aristotle, Socrates or some other Greek philosopher).

It is really not up to me, but I would like to propose a simple way for those that did cause the "chickenout" to amend for their actions. It is very simple, so let me describe it:

1) If I can't login to eRep, I can't spend my heath (and I do have 100 health per hour).
2) Cookies can give me 100 health.
3) Giving 1 cookie for every started hour of the downtime makes sense.

So, I would like to propose to the council of Greek philosophers to think about making those that caused blackouts give a cookie for every started hour of any blackout of this game.

I would also like to thank all Greek philosophers for creating such a wonderful game with many improvements over the time out of which we like all improvements, of course. We love Greek philosophers and we love creating yachts with our own hands (or at least money). We would also love if Greek philosophers' council would think about this simplest suggestion 🙂