A poll : Top 10 horror movies ever

Day 1,591, 14:38 Published in Australia Canada by Ryan Southcombe
A poll : Top 10 horror movies ever

In this article, I decided to make a poll!
I’m a fun of horror movies and I hope you’re too.

To participate in this poll, there’s only three things you have to do :

First : Vote the article and subscribe to the newspaper and write the number of your vote and subscription in the comment (eg v2 s5)
Second : Write in the same comment the titles of the three (3) best Horror movies ever made, as in this example :
1) Sixth Sence (5 points)
2) The Exorcist (3 points)
3) The Others (2 points)
Note, if it’s about a movie with sequels (e.g. Saw, Hostel, Nightmare On Elm Street etc) you don’t have to write the number of the sequel but only the title of the movie.
Third : Shout the article to your friends so more people will be able to see it.

You can vote until the end of Day 1600 .
You’ll find the results in this newspaper on day 1603 .
Hope you enjoy it!!!

Writen by Alexcop
29 March 2012