A Patriotic Force

Day 477, 14:34 Published in USA USA by Anthony Trafford

Greetings my former countrymen-- but still my friends. I come to you, in your darkest hour. PEACE is at your doorstep, and ATLANTIS is leaving you to die. Your TANKs might be able to save you now and then, but how long can you manage to keep funding them? How about gaining a new ally (within hopefully 24 hours). Propose an alliance with ePhilippines. We are a patriotic force and have a bone to pick with eTurkey, eIran, and eBrazil. 2/3 of those nations are fighting in this war... let us fight with you. If they decide to make an attack on the eUS you'd have at your disposal a significant force that is both patriotic, and extremely fierce. Meanwhile we will be able to move to the eUS and fight alongside you so that PEACE doesn't start taking control of lands near the states.

This message is straightforward; for Traff's Point needs to go back to ePhili; Traff's Point is one of the few newspapers in ePhili that is actually filipino and provides the nation with the truth about the nations that stole our GOLD and PHP.

But alas, it is time for me to leave. Consider what I said.

PS: Notice the pic: We are the kitten. 🙂