A Party President Address from Libertarian Party President Iasov

Day 1,155, 23:11 Published in USA USA by Iasov

I. SamWystan

II. Elitism

III. What We Stand For

IV. Getting Involved

V. Comments and Suggestions

I. SamWystan

These past Party President Elections have been interesting, to say the absolute minimum. SamWystan is a pretty cool dude who has a lot of the same interests I have. I feel most of what transpired was merely his form of rage-quitting (an excellent one, at that, as rage-quitting the most original way has become all the... rage). I have no intention to chastise SamWystan nor am I critical or upset by his supporters. I feel the issue should be left alone so that we may move on with more pressing concerns and party matters. That being said, if I mention SamWystan again in this article it is not because I mean to spark a debate but rather because his actions and words may be of relevance to what I wish to say.

Otherwise I feel that the topic has been beat to death like Mussolini and the discussion has been crazier than Jared Lee Loughner. Hang it up on hooks before tossing it in an unmarked grave like the former or let it be imprisoned in its own hellish insanity like the latter.

II. Elitists or just l33t?

There's scarcely any elitism to the effect that some use the term. I am not saying that it is entirely non-existent but what I feel many do not realize is that which they are calling elitism is little more than friendships forged over many months spent playing this game. Is this harmful? Perhaps so. What can be done about it? Very little, I'm afraid, from within the eRepublik in-game interface, I am afraid. There is, however, the option of getting more involved in what I and others call the "metagame". This would require you to join one or more forums (I only use the eUSAforums myself) and/or use IRC more often. I am particularly active on IRC and run an eggdrop bot with a number of features that many don't utilize because I've been too lazy to compose all the commands into a helpful and simple article.

We are p l33t though. I invite all coders, gurus, techs, P2P sceners and filesharers, copyleftists, phreakers*, crackers, and hackers to join the party!

* Are there even an phone freaks left? There's hardly a need to make free long-distance calls anymore and Ma Bell has installed new hardware that renders old methods useless (though they were already rendered obsolete with the advent of cellular phones.)

This is CRoy's favorite.

III. What We Stand For

We cherish our individuality in that we allow members to express their social and political opinions openly and honestly. I, as Party President, try not to make demands of my party members. Rather, I allow them to pursue their own goals and only ask they keep me abreast of their progress. Admittedly, this isn't without its own problems as sometimes an individual's actions may be detrimental to the image of the party. At times like these I try to step in as president and smooth over relations with the individuals and/or parties that may have become upset. It makes for a rocky but thoroughly interesting road to travel upon.

We try to be a party for the people by giving the party member control themselves.
We do not have a Party Constitution. The actions of the individual reflect upon that individual and though they may appear to be damaging to the party as a whole, we, particularly I (the Royal We), do not see them this way.
We do not do Party President primaries. This may be a surprise to many recently for their existed a rumor that we did do them. No. If someone wants to run, I only ask they inform the current PP of their intentions so as to give ample time to schedule and host a debate between PP hopefuls.
We do hold primaries for the President of the eUS. We provide a link in our party paper, The Libertarian Bulletin, to a Google Docs Form which allows everyone to vote, rather than having to go to forums, so be sure to subscribe to it!
We don't have an election board that predetermines anything either. We will allow our party members to run for Congress, provided they do not appear to have suspicious ties, and this is done mostly on a first-come, first-served basis although there is no guarantee that they will be run in their state of choice. The reason I emphasize 'mostly' is because if we have many candidates sign up to run for Congress, we will be more likely to pick the candidate who exhibits activity (either in-game or metagame) and/or has a well-written platform.

We do have a party structure. We do have a panel of party leaders. However, it is not a group of elites and you will not be denied admittance to it in some silly effort to keep the status quo intact. That being said, you can't just join it because you want to feel privileged or be able to wave around some meaningless title. I assign people based on merit, activity, and dedication. Being eager to work hard and communicate regularly (especially via IRC) is a plus.

We act as best we can in the way we are defined by game mechanics. We are not really anarchists just as we are not really libertarians. I try, however, to run the party in a manner that is reminiscent of the ideologies of both anarchism and libertarianism in a way that overlaps opposing points of view. This is why I set our political orientation to Center. That is to say, I wish to reach out to both sides. The anarchist who favors anarcho-communism or anarcho-syndicalism is just as welcome as those who prefer anarcho-capitalism or individualist anarchism. Likewise, the left-libertarian and right-libertarian are welcome. Perhaps it will lead to some interesting subjects for debate within the party so long as we can all agree that we stick together. Personally, I can argue for both sides because I feel that anarchism or libertarianism are usually always preferred to the alternatives, ideally.

All of this taken into account, there is still the aspect of the game's mechanics for which I have no control. This should be taken into account when something seems contradictory to what we stand for.

IV. Getting Involved

Once a month we need people who will serve the party's political ambitions. For those among you who do not deign to spend too much of your time, you may serve as a blocker, which is simple enough. For the party members who are a bit more dedicated and know they will be able to donate some of their time on Congressional Election Day, January 25th, I suggest you become a member of L.E.S.S (Libertarian Election Security Squad). Some of you may wish to run for Congress yourself. I only recommend this if your intention is to become very active on both IRC and the forums. Also, keep in mind the "What We Stand For" section above where I have explained what would make you a good candidate.
You may sign up to be a blocker, run for Congress, or join L.E.S.S. in our latest Libertarian Bulletin article.

We are always looking for more help from those dedicated to doing work. Do you have a skill you could employ for us? We might have use for you as a coder, eRepublik Wiki editor, newspaper writer, organizer, mentor, or "pep person". With regard to those possible party positions, send me a message if you have any questions or if you are interested.

We are starting a mentoring program called LiberCORPS and need mentors AND those who would like to be mentored. Go on and sign up here. Don't be afraid if you need help. Someone will be more than happy to help you learn everything there is to know about eRepublik and the eRepublik metagame.

Do you like forums? I try to use them but often fail to stay active, unlike with IRC. At any rate, if you are a fan of forums, please register at these:

The Libertarian Party Forum

The national eUSA Forum

In future articles, I hope to explain more clearly what you can do to get involved and remain so. This pertains especially to having fun together as a party, particularly with IRC bots we are developing which can be used for games, quotes, trivia, and amusing conversation.

V. Comments and Suggestions

Do you have an idea, comment or suggestion for us? Feel free to send me a message and/or fill out this Suggestion Box!

We welcome your input and, if necessary or requested, you will be contacted. You may fill it out anonymously, of course, but if you should like to sign your name and leave your profile link, we may just contact you about your suggestion. Naturally, if you do wish to be contacted, it is imperative that you leave that information.

Thank you,

Libertarian Party President Iasov