A parting message...

Day 971, 20:54 Published in Japan Japan by Angrr

There’s a man going round taking names,
And he decides who to free, and who to blame.
Everyone will be treated just the same.
There’ll be a golden ladder reaching down.
When the man comes around.
- Johnny Cash.

I have already departed, I have kicked the habit and gone cold turkey on erepublik.
As a member of congress, I have checked in to honour my commitment, but have interacted very little with anyone on my way out.

One thing I noticed though, which I decided to address in this – my final article – was the state of eJapan as the country settles down into V2/rising.

Feel free to dismiss this article completely as the final rant of an old player being led out to the pasture. I would hope, however, that those few players who still care, would read it and take heed.

Political Parties.

Although I think that change can be a good thing, the amount of political parties that were taken over and changed was a little over the top. I don’t really think there is a massive problem with it, but most of the people who took control of the parties did so thinking only of themselves – joining a party just before the election and changing it as they see fit.

This is a long-established custom – one which I have used myself – why spend all that gold on creating a new party when so many are lying around unused?

My issue – and I am concerned at how few people speak out against it – is the “PTO” of the ULJ. I was never in the ULJ, and I never really had any common ground with them as far as lolies and anime go, but I respected their attempts to make a community based upon common interest. That being said, they were becoming increasingly inactive, and even a liability to eJapan.
To say that the entire party was inactive is incorrect. It seems that 2 things happened simultaneously –
1) Alfred Ball got shot down trying to take control of Godzilla, so moved on to another party – any party will do for him, so long as it has a large number of members, as this can further inflate his ego.
2) Certain members of the community who dislike the ULJ or some of it’s members supported this “PTO” by jumping parties to vote in the rogue candidate.

Let’s look at how these two points actually conflict…

One month ago, Alfred Ball decided that he was the one to save the Godzilla party and make it great. He was attacked, flamed and beat into submission. Why? It was because the people of the Godzilla party resented an outsider strolling in and trying to take control of their party – and rightly so.

Move forward one month, and Alfred tries the same move again. This time, he is supported by – wait – that couldn’t be Godzilla Party members, could it? Not after they tasted this and realised that it was bad…

It bothers me that this was allowed to happen, and that after it happened, no-one seems to care.
I care very little about this game now – I am dying and when this article drops out of the recent news section, I will cease to log-in. I still managed to care enough to write an article about it though.

It is about time that eJapan started working together and thinking about the whole picture, rather than providing a playground for idiots to stroke their egos.

Incidentally, No-one took me up on my offer. The one where I will give you an organisation with a Q1 and a Q2 company, several hundred yen and gold, just by showing that you care about eJapan and want to improve the nation.

If no-one cares, these companies will remain with me and never be used.
Come on! Show me you care and take the reward!
