A Nice Interview About the SICP from the "Unfortunate Tales" Newspaper

Day 679, 15:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Dawber

This week:Jack Dawber of The SI Community Party

Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

"Yes, well my name is Jack Dawber and I am in charge of press and recruiting for the SICP, I've only been 'alive' for a just over a month, so I'm young and slightly foolish, but I'm eager enough, as are the other members of the party."
And what is it you like about you role?
"Well it's not a glamorous job, but I get to meet alot of interesting people which is of of the reasons I enjoy playing this game, also the rewarding feeling I get when I can help someone out."
Ok I thats enough about you, so onto the party...what are your initial aims as a party? Why did you decide that your country needs you?
"Well the eUK isnt in the best condition right now, so we aim to fix that, you see most new players join, get bored and stop playing, and that is a a real shame because it is a really good game with a great community, and what we want to do is encourage new players to continue playing, to help and guide them, and most importantly, let them have their say, as lets face it, most of the higher players are just playing for themselves, and ignore the needs of new players."

Ok good point, but if you got into presidency what would you do?

"If we get into power we will educate the masses and tighten up business. I believe that if we educate new users there will be less people that become inactive, and more people that turn from '2-clickers' into valuable and active members of the eUK. Our 'Department of Communication' would deal with engaging new users and persuading them to keep playing. Also, businesses will be regulated, any that make a loss and are a drain on our economy will be told to improve and streamline their business, and if our help can not make it into a profitable business then it will be regrettably closed down."

So your saying if there was nothing you could do, you would throw in the towel?

"Not without a fight, but if we thought we were ever damaging the country and worsening it, yes we would know when to let go."

That's nice to know, so then... do you have any views on war and peace?

"Well we are currently in PEACE CG and that is beneficial to us at the moment, as we need protectorates. 12 of the top 20 countries (in terms of population) including the eUK are in PEACE, as well as 4 of the top 6, and having those kinds of allies is wonderful for us. Also assisting the smaller members of PEACE in times of war is good for us on the world stage. It also doesn't prevent us having positive communication with other countries, treaties with Ireland, Canada and Australia are testament to that. However, nothing is set in stone. We must move with the times, and if PEACE does lose reputation and favor among world powers then there is nothing to prevent us from walking away from that treaty with good intentions. The eUK is our priority, and if our PEACE treaty becomes untenable and not in our best interests, it isn't unthinkable that we should cancel that pact."

Right! last but not least, why do you believe players should join you?

"You should join us because we have a good mixture of experience and youth. Whether you are young and have no experience of politics, whether you're a seasoned pro, whether you want to get involved and don't know where to start, we are here for you. We need active members to push on with this party. Even if you just check out the forums every once in a while or read newspaper articles, you can help us, and we can help you. The small size of the party will allow you to get your ideas across and help to shape the future of the party."

I would like to thank Jack Dawber for his time and good luck.