A New World?

Day 832, 20:08 Published in Singapore Ireland by Flaco Jimenez

eRepublik was designed to be a New World. The premise being to bring people from around the world together to play a game. The reality has fallen far short of the promise. Instead of embracing the chance to investigate other cultures and experience a new sim-life in a different country, the vast majority of players have consolidated into real world groups and nationalities.

This is understandable as the human animal is often frightened when forced out of a self imposed "comfort zone". We seek people who look like us, who may speak the same language, or share our cultural norms. Our segregation is self imposed and sub-concious for the most part.

The ideal New World would have none of the nationalistic, xenophobic tendencies that permeate our real world. No one would take real life issues and impose them into the game. And people would use this opportunity to experience sim-life in a setting outside their natural comfort zone.

Ideally eRepublik would have been composed of fictional countries which would have removed some of the reasoning behind the nationalistic fervor and warfare that forms the basis of the current version of the game. Precluding that, the next solution would be a random number that assigns citizenship to a country when joining the game.

Unless the next generation of players is removed from the cycle of join for a nationalistic cause, grow bored, and quit. I do not see eRepublik fulfilling its promise as a New World. Instead I see eRepublik as a sim-weapon to attack perceived real life "enemies" in a virtual setting.