A New Newspaper is Started

Day 493, 16:38 Published in USA Poland by Ryan_5

Chicago -- Sometime between late last night and early this morning a newspaper was founded in the Windy City. It is called The Gjallerhorn. There is uncertainty surrounding its meaning, but there are rumors that it is reference to some mythical figure or object. In an attempt to shed some light we interviewed Prof. Hugh of North American Community College(we couldn't find anyone with a PhD). The professor offered his opinion that it referred to either a cheese or part of a moose, When asked if it could be some sort of horn, his reply was "how did you get that foolish idea?"

An interview with the Executive Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Ryan_5, went a different direction. When asked about why he started his newspaper, he had this to say, "I have some opinions, and I think people should know them. Also, it should be fun." According to some sources, Ryan_5 is trying to better push his political ideology, after failing to win an election. The failed politician reply to this suggestion was a brief excuse, saying he was busy writing the papers first article.

Potential readers were interviewed. First uncertainty was shown, but after inquiries about the content was made, enthusiasm was shown.