A New Idea for V1...

Day 384, 16:34 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

Alright guys, this idea randomly came to be today for this game, and I wanted to throw it out there for praise/criticism...

I was thinking about our messaging service, about how it seems too easy for be 'for real' in this game. At the time I was also checking out new servicing plans for my personal cell phone, and this came to me.

A new industry in communication. Now, I realize this would require an overhaul but I think it may have a small but of potential. I figure that for free you can send plain limited character messages, but I in a communication industry you could buy different "services" to allow you to add bold/italics...perhaps even embed pictures and youtube videos at later levels and increased number of characters allowed per message.

Perhaps even including "minute" cards, where you expend minutes everytime you send a message.

Anyway, this is a crazy idea I admit...and probably not going to happen...but I had to share...

Yours Randomly,