A New Form of Working

Day 1,015, 09:23 Published in Germany Belgium by Supmylo


As of now, our sister organisation, the Federal Industrial Association (FIA), has created our first workers' company: the Federal Petroleum Cooperation!
Over the last few days we tried to keep any of our beloved members informed about the progress concerning this issue; in the last article, we have already described roughly what are going to be the idiosyncrasies of our cooperation. Since most of that is now obsolete because most of the initial thoughts turned out to either not satisfy our fundamental anarchist egalitarian believes or simple logic, we are now going to present the basic characteristics of the WAF's newest project:

   The cooperation will always be fully workers owned, democratic, anarchist, social and egalitarian. Beyond all changeable key attributes, these shall never be altered.
   The planning of the working process, including tasks like adding job offers, changing prices etc., lays fully in the hand of the workers. This will become possible by using our external forum.
   To execute what has been planned, the workers elect a key person from the current workmanship. Although there will be temporary mandate (the exact length has to be determined by the communards), he or she could always be removed from office and will never posses any form of authority over anyone.
   Every few days (see brackets above) the overall amount of money earned by selling the materials on the market will be split amongst the workers. There will be no profit gained for the WAF, the FIA, the CIA, evil Martians or anyone else in any way, shape or form; everything will go back to those who produced it; total labour liberation.
   Additionally, a percentage of the money will be kept to form a communal budget. It might be used to e.g. pay moving tickets for new members, buy food or weapons to form a local militia. Since the labourers are in charge, they could as well form a commune that won't pay out the earnings but use them completely to buy edibles etc. like a number of socialist parties across the globe handle it - everything only dependent on the workers' decision. However, because of the minimum wage regulation in Canada, every member will have to officially earn 0.15 CAD.
   Although this is not obligatory, the cooperative might try to sell the materials on prices below those offered by their competitors since it doesn't need to think about making profits, thus damaging local capitalist exploitation incredibly.

Everyone, be it an outright anarchist, a libertarian socialist or just someone who believes in the old labour movement's demand that "those who work in the mills should own them" is invited to be a part of what is now called the FPC, but might have any name chosen by the workmen. If you are interested, leave a comment or write a message to the WAF now; we will let you know how to become a communard and supply moving tickets for free.


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We need you! Let's make anarchy liveable right here in Canada!

See you there comrades.