A new era

Day 944, 02:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by British Media Alliance
Death of the BMA

The British Media Alliance was a fun little social experiment started about 6 months ago. The numbers of members till at the peek we had 8 members. We had the creator of the idea GGRyan and we James Glover, UK's finest, Horice P Fossil, Indiekid, Jamesw, Joachim von Bremen (JvB to most of you) and Apotygma.

However the group slowed to a stop with many citing RL reasons for not being able to keep up activity. It was great while it lasted and we often had multiple articles in the top 10 of the eUK news, and it was a quirky little family. It was fun. Most of our members were did not have strong political views and it worked well, the downside was implementing decisions within the group as people were hardly ever around to have a whole group discussion.

Well where are they all now?

I'll start from the top.

GGRyan - Creator of this experiment and all round decent guy. He was a greatly respect PP of the RFA as well as a large figure in the eUK community. Many will remember him from the days for regional forums and region wars, he was also a key figure in the BCP, an energetic small party that held several large names and commanded a surprisingly large amount of respect. Today GGRyan's account has been inactive for a good few days and he had to give up his work in the MoW. RL being a reason.

James Glover - Frequently seen tanking for the eUK over time this guy has been a member of The Unity Party for as long as I can remember. He has also been PP of the party. He was removed from the military in his younger days for passionately fighting against the Swedes (I remember them days...) in battles he was ordered not to fight in. A great chap and a previous holder of much attention in the eUK forums. He has become a 2 clicker more recently while he deals with exams and the like.

UK's finest - One of the most active citizens in the eUK he is more active than jamesw (to james's disgust) he has always cared about the little man and this can still be see today with sporadic ideas. Starting of in a certain 'British Empire Party' along side players like Daniel Thorrold and Dodgy Dude he developed his sense of goals, he then moved on to UKRP and then RFA where he was twice elected as a PP. Moving parties, gets you well known and gives you good connections (as Indiekid will testify) but it also serves to generate enemies. Constantly finest is trying new things and has a wide range of experience in his eLife. Some would deny him the smarts he has, but get to speak with him informally and well...

Horice P Fossil - One of the most loved citizens of all time: this guy is funny. He had his account banned by the admins for helping his dad out (looking after it while he was away) and the admins killed him. He re-incarnated, as Horice 'G' Fossil and similar to he previous life form (that was a military commander) he join the eUK's military. However when he came back he had changed (I guess everyone changes) and now he is a prolific character in the Real Spamicans Party - a party that puts fun and having a laugh at the for-front of everything else.

Indiekid - Like finest he has been in many parties and again they were both leaders of the RFA (now totally re-branded). This guy has never lost his propaganda side and has used his abilities to influence people greatly. He is now a strong fan of The Unity Party who he writes for. Indie used to create amazing military imagery in his articles. These would depict the eUK's input into battles, but he has turned his hand to politics for now. Bring back the good ol' days of the military article I say.

Jamesw - Former member of the United Kingdom Reform Party jamesw made a surprising hop onto The Unity Party, where he continued his personal success. He has been the leader of his party and he has just finished his term as President of this nation. A well known character this guy is known for writing article in Ireland and has recently published articles in much depth meeting approval of the high standards of Iain K.

JvB - A name that if you don't know might be because you are not on the external eUK forum. He rarely writes things in game, but he too is very active and could be expected to run for Presidency at almost any time. As it so happens this guy was a PP (of the RFA) as well.

Wow how many of these guys have been successful you are asking? - Well all of them.

JvB is the only person in the eUK that can challenge Horice G Fossil for the title of funniest guy around and he does so in a different style. Both are very fast to make laugh out loud posts and both guys stand a chance at competing against the famed Bob Boblo's genius, planned humour. JvB was also given the job of 'Minister of Everything' under jamesw's rule as President of the eUK something if you ask JvB about he will discuss with you in length.

Apotygma - Famous for having sexy women as his avatar, this real life Belgian has moved from the UK where he had much success. He also created a very effective line of articles aimed at helping many citizens of this world, something finest does from time to time as well. His move back to Belgium has been successful and he is currently the President of Belgium - congrats! 😃