A New Deal

Day 1,161, 23:16 Published in USA USA by Civil Anarchy

I, Civil Anarchy, of the Socialist Freedom Party, hereby declare my intent to seek the office of Congressmen of the great state of New Jersey, under the banner of the Federalist Party.

First, a resume...
- Slayer of the Admin
- SFP Elections Coordinator
- SFP Recruitment Director
- Former Federalist Leadership - 3 months
- Former Federalist Political Director
- Former Member Services Director of the United States Workers Party
- Former Executive Board USWP - 4 Months
- April 2010 and May 2010 Presidential Candidate
- Former Congressmen (9)
- Former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Interior
- Former Director of REACH (3)
- Former Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party (2)
- Former Director of Citizens Affairs
- Former Director of the Ambassadorial Program
- Former BOSS of Western Europe
- Former Ambassador to Spain
- Sponsor of the Meals on Wheels Program
- Former Chair of the Government Oversight Committee
- Sponsor of the Small Party Union
- Former USWP Hunter
- Former Member of the International/External Congressional Committee
- Former Member of Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee
- Former Editor of the Congressional Paper
- Former Director of Intelligence of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Director of Interparty Relations of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Former Congressmen to the Internationale
- Member of EZC
- Former Commander of the Bear Cavalry (Para-Military Organization)
- Former Member of the eUs Army
- Former eUs Mentor

America, Congress is a joke.
The manner by which it operates, and by which candidates are elected, have created an environment where one third of our government has become almost completely ineffective. This has been the status quo of our legislative branch for nearly as long as I can remember.
The problem is, no one can seem to truly pinpoint the exact cause of this malfunction
Is it due to the ease with which an elite can make their way into congress?
Is it caused by parties choosing their own candidate over the better one?
Does the overwhelming power and responsibility of the Executive shun that of the Legislative?
(If you have your own theory, feel free to post it in the comments)

The failure of Congress most likely lies in many different areas, or rather, a combination of the previously listed situational factors. I suppose then, one asks the question, how do we go about remedying this situation....or even, is it even worth it to do so?

People of America, and specifically those that live in New Jersey, I don't know.
If you elect me to Congress, be fully aware of the fact that I am entering this government once more with only the notion that something is wrong.

In the immortal words of Network, "I don't know what to do about the Russians and the Inflation and the Oil Crisis."
They may be in different parameters, but I assure you, the meaning is the same!

I have the experience and the drive to make something happen. And I know that something is wrong. Therefore, we must change something.
Anything, really.
The only way we can truly figure out how to deal with a problem we've never solved before is obviously the employment of an entirely new solution, whether it be radical or moderate, something must be done, above all else.

Complacency is death. Change is victory.
America, give me a month. You will see changes. Work shall be done to ensure the continuation of the Legislative Branch of our country, and I will continue to try and try and try until something works, or my own eLife becomes void.
Of that, you have my word.

I hereby pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American People
Civil Anarchy