A New Day

Day 792, 07:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by camcam

As of this morning we have close to 7000 damage that ca be done with quarter 1 weapons and close to 11500 damage do able with quarter 5's, this is a formidable force.
Latter today i will be starting our first company to create the resources we need to be a formidable fighting force
i have a new lieutenant Krusher and a battalion leader in Kapoios

it was lieutenant Krusher's idea to create companies to become an efficient fighting force
these are some other ideas that together we have formulated to make sure the World Armed Forces becomes a key fighting force

-Meet First Pay level
-Willingness to fight for ANY Nation
-Active (come online daily)
-Follow Orders

Now three of these are not a problem however the willingness to fight any nation may be bothersome to some
therefore i have decided that every battle i will post a number
that number will be the amount of damage we are supposed to do anyone who messages me krusher or Kapoios will receive weapons and if needed moving tickets and their damage recorded(we expect everyone to fight ATLEAST five times with as high wellness as possible)

thus if you don't want to fight you just don't get paid get moving tickets or weapons

Also we had the idea of invading and taking over North Korea
whilst this idea sounds radical it would be a lot of fun and all of us would make a lot of gold being voted in as congressmen, in short if we all move to north korea and together take over we will control our own country and can start building our army from there
of course we can do this with any of the small countries and this is purely for fun and not the main goal of the World Armed Forces