Day 1,154, 05:25 Published in Romania Romania by Odovacer

Si astfel incepe o noua pagina. Am intrat in Miscarea Nationala acum cateva luni, cu speranta ca putem face ceva pentru eRomania. Din pacate, modulul politic este destul de slabut zic eu, nemodificandu-se semnificativ de peste un an. Din pacate suntem un partid mic, oameni putini Dar crezul nostru, ca al majoritatii romanilor, este acela de a avea o pozitie demna, onorabila atat fata de constiinta noastra, cat si fata de aliatiAm fost acuzati ca am vrut sa facem PTO intr-un partid cu peste 250 de membrii. Noi o mana de 30 de oameni.

Atunci am hotarat. Miscarea Nationala nu va fi patata de aceasta acuzatie rusinoasa! Ieri, 16 Ianuarie, ziua 1,153 a Noii Lumi am desfiintat Miscarea Nationala pentru a face loc unei noi ere, unui nou parti😛 BLACKSHIRTS UNION. Nationalisti fara frontiere, nationalisti prezenti acolo unde situatia o cere, nationalisti care vor lupta politic, economic si militar conform credintei noastre: NU NE RETRAGEM! NU CAPITULAM!

De aceea fac un apel. Sa vina in aceste randuri cel ce crede nelimitat. Sa ramana in afara cel ce are indoieli.

For our brother in arms:

And so it begins a new page. When I entered in “ Miscarea Nationala” a few mounts ago , I had high hope that we could do something for Romania. Unfortunately , the political module is mediocre at best, in my opinion, and it has not changed significantly from more than one year. Unfortunately we are a small party , with few comrades. But our belief, as well the belief of the majority of Romanians , stands for a dignified position, with honor, for our conscience and towards our allies. We were accused of PTO action , in a party with 250 members … us ..a few 30 comrades…

Then the decision was made, that the Miscarea Nationala party shall not be stained by this shameless accusation. Yesterday, January the 16th, day 1.153 of the New World we terminated the “ Miscarea Nationala” party to make room for a new age, a new pary: The BLACKSHIRT UNION. Nationalists without boundaries, nationalists present where the situation requires, nationalists who shall fight politicaly, economic and military, with our creed in the heart: NO RETREAT! NO SURRENDER!

So I am making a call: Let the one who’s belief is endless to join us - let out the one with doubts.