A National Issue

Day 2,126, 01:29 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

On the 15th of September 2013, this intrepid reporter ventured into the depths of #ausrep. While he was there he witnessed the President of this great eNation in conversation. I was not the only one to be deeply horrified when the Prime Minister uttered this in the room.

Poor passerby Henry the 8th was terribly astonished by this foul language, stating;

Earlier allegations were also made that Minister Flatty was also in conference with other high-ranking officials planning to release numerous 'cat-related' articles, similar in style to that of serial cat article poster Binda33, these allegations have neither been confirmed or denied.

Now I don't want us to over-react to this terrible controversy. But I believe that the only way that this nation can be improved is if Flatty is impeached immediately and driven out of this country for good.

*Any quotes taken out of context are not the responsibility of Limited News.

Pat McCrutch,
Senior 'Journalist' of Limited News.