A miénk.

Day 630, 08:46 Published in Hungary Hungary by Tóth TamÃ&

Semmit nem találtak. Nem látnak semmilyen okot arra hogy ne kapjuk meg.
Megy a sírás.


Dear citizens,

It is widely spoken about the Spanish Government losing 16.000 GOLD. Yesterday this amount of GOLD was retreated from several accounts for investigations. This is the standard procedure for cases where the provenience or legality of large amounts of money needs more analysis, in order to proper investigate the situation.

Later, investigations of transaction logs revealed that the GOLD had legit sources. The investigation ended with no evidence of a hack, or any other illegal actions. Therefore, eRepublik staff has no law-based reason to intervene.

The investigation conclusion:

- there is no bug, exploit, hack, or other flaw in eRepublik code associated with these 16.000 GOLD;

- a company has been bought having an important amount of GOLD in it, which is not illegal.


- transferred back 7000 “locked” GOLD to France account http://www.erepublik.com/en/country/economy/France

- transferred back 7000 “locked” GOLD to eMagyar Nemzeti Bank http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1267102

- transferred back 2000 “locked” GOLD and 44.869 ESP to Feherlofia Koppany http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1222627

The eRepublik Team