A Message To The German Administration

Day 1,928, 01:04 Published in Denmark Denmark by Percival Dumbledore

Hello Denmark and Germany, let me introduce myself first.
My name is Percival Dumbledore. I am formerly known as Flitwick.
Enough about that.

A few days ago we succeeded in having a succesful election on Danish grounds. Successful in the terms, no doubt about who is in charge, The Danes. PTOers are at the moment very few and the count of real Danes in eDenmark are growing rapidly.
This is very good for the country, but how is it for our union with Germany.

More than a year ago, I was one of the people behind the Germarkian union. A union that has proved to be very succesful in terms of creating a stable area.
But, it seems, that the German administration has somehow gotten the wrong idea about what the union is all about. Let me remind everyone.

When we created the union it was to benefit both Denmark and Germany.
Germany would gain 20/20 extra production bonus. A bonus that was very important at those times and still is. If bonuses did not matter, Poland would not be most of Europe.

Denmark would be sure that Danish soil would be occupied when needed, that the Presidential office was always occupied by a trusted person and that no congress was elected.

During the year that has past, Denmark has become one of the richest countries in the eWorld. How? Because we had no way of obtaining the money we earned from the bot buying goods.
Six months ago, German President asked Flitwick and Maine Coon, if we could somehow gain access to the Danish Country Treasury, get the money out of it and give some of it to Germany.

I, back then, agreed that this was something we should do. This was shortly before Flitwick died and I was no longer active.

It took six months to gain a congress that was able to get all the money out of the Country Treasury and into safety.
And in that time the German administration has changed and so has the attitude.
Six months ago, they requested to get some money from Denmark. A few days ago, they demanded to get money.

And this is a very significant change.
Let me put this straight. Germany, you have no right in demanding anything from the Danish people, unless it is clearly stated in the union agreement.
You have the right to ask for economic help. But if you demand anything, you may very well get nothing.

I hope you understand this distinction.
eDenmark is not above gifting. But eDenmark could very well be against subcoming to any demands, from whoever demands it.

Best Regards,
Percival Dumbledore