A message to the eUK

Day 779, 05:25 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis

The UK, a country of tits?

Good evening,
Some of you may know who I am, some may not. For 2 months I served in the official capacity of Minister of Defence and Foreign affairs for this poor excuse for a nation. Before that I was a backroom guy, working in the shadows for a while.

It is because of this that I have vowed to destroy the country, for its own good.

For months, I have seen as the UK was the laughing stock of the world, due in no small part due to my own actions, I am pained to admit. Upon joining PEACE GC all those months ago, the UK was supposed to get harder, better, faster, stronger. It did not. While your leaders toiled away, you, the average individual decided to do nothing, to sit there, apathetic, not even buying weapons o increase your own personal damage, or even to bother fighting when an offensive is launched.

What causes a man to become neutral?

The majority of people in the eUK are woefully ignorant of game mechanics. Just a quick glance at the national forums is proof enough of this. Instead of game mechanics, the majority of people would prefer to discuss pointless laws, reduce decision making capability, slow everything down. For no longer.

The majority of people in the UK are completely unaware of the wars raging around them. No one talks about them, no one discusses the implications of them. I must only assume that this is because the UK doesn’t need a country or military to run itself. Allow us to oblige.

You have become a forum circlejerk, with people wearing fake medals to signify they once fought in a battle somewhere, with various pats on the back for mediocre at best work. You refuse to change your attitude that is stuck well over a year in the past, refuse to shed the regional mentality. Allow us to help you with that.

When you have been in my position, you cannot help but detest, abhor, and show nothing but disdain for the average UK player. Watch as your allies abandon you in order to protect their more valuable regions. Single regions are more valuable than your entire country .

We’ll see you on the battlefield when we get around to invading. See, we have other things to do as well, other than just take over your sub par at best country. But don’t worry, the day of your demise gets closer and closer. We are coming for you.
